

Causes and How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Legs Fast

Severe cellulite on legs

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Having cellulite on legs is a common nightmare for many people. Some people refer to them as cottage cheese legs, hail damage or a simply dimply skin.

If you have this ‘hail damage’ on your legs, especially calves and thighs, it must be giving you sleepless night trying to find a fast way deal with this dimply skin. It does affect self-esteem, dressing code and even ego. Stay put as we look at this issue of leg cellulite in details including causes and how to get rid of it fast.

Understanding what cellulite is

Severe cellulite on legs

Severe hail damage

According to Wikipedia, Cellulite is also known as “adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome” Some people call it hail damage, among other names. If you are having this condition, the affected skin appear dimpling. Besides your limps, it mainly affects the pelvic region, other body parts, including the stomach, buttocks, thighs, and so on.

On your limbs, it is common on the back of your legs (calves, upper and lower thighs both on the inner side, back or front side). It can also be found on areas near your knees i.e. just above your knees.

It is estimated that over 85 % of all women get cellulite at one time in their lives. However, men can also get this condition, but the prevalence is much lower, at about 105. Hormones in women are thought to be the main cause of cellulite on legs.

Before researching on ways to get rid of adiposis edematous on legs, it is good to comprehensively understand what it is, as well as the leading causes.

So, what is it or how does it feel like? According to, cellulite feels like some fat that is trapped in the connective tissues. When you touch your legs, it feels like clumps. As a result, your skin looks lumpy.

This condition is harmless. However, it significantly affects how you perceive yourself. Many people, who have it, will shy off from exposing their legs in public.

What causes cellulite on legs?

On what causes it, Wikipedia identifies that several factors can be attributed to its appearance anywhere on the body. These factors are categorized into four:

Hormonal factors

This is common in women. It is estimated that 90% of cellulite in legs is attributed to hormones. For example, production of estrogen is a leading cause to this skin dimpling in various body parts, including the legs.

Other hormones that are risk factors for the formation of cellulite are prolactin, adrenaline, insulin, thyroid hormones, catecholamines, and noradrenaline.

Genetic factors

At times, hail damage can be genetic. Some genetic elements in you might make you susceptible to it. Generally, most genetic components of cellulite are found in hypoxia-inducible factor and angiotensin-converting enzyme genes.

Predisposing factors – genetics

There are other factors that might make you more susceptible to this skin dimpling. These include race, sex, circulatory insufficiency and distribution of subcutaneous fats.


How you live can also determine whether you will have cellulite or not. For example, physical activities, diet and mental state are the leading determinants of whether one will have it or not.

How to reduce or get rid of cellulite on legs

According to, you can get rid of cellulite on legs without even going to the hospital. Going through the net will surprise you on how people spend time researching on how to lose cellulite on legs. This clearly indicates the magnitude of the problem.

You can treat, hide or reduce it by adopting simple techniques and practices discussed in this article.

Below are some of the ways of treating and getting rid the hail damage on your legs:

Undertake intense cardio

This is something that you can do on your own. You don’t need a doctor or a gym instructor to do this. Cardio exercises are meant to raise your heart rate. During these exercises, most body parts are in motion.

The motion caused by cardio exercises strengthens the muscles. Firstly, heart muscles are made stronger. As result, more oxygen is supplied to various body parts. If this happens, cells in your including those on burn fat deposits that cause the sink to look bumpy.

Some of the cardio exercises that you can adopt include:

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Interval training
  • Elliptical
  • Rowing
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Jumping rope
  • Circuit training

Research has revealed that cardio exercises work miracles in healing cellulite. These exercises should be done daily for at least 30 minutes.

Check what you eat

Cellulite has more to do with your skin. Therefore, you should purpose to eat food that enhances your skin and avoid the one that works against it.

According to, cellulite is highly attributed to poor diet. Unhealthy diet leads to excess accumulation of fats. As a result, your skin’s elasticity is compromised. It also slows down the circulation of oxygen to leg’s tissues.

Always include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Moreover, add healthy fats, proteins, and whole grain into your daily diet.

In some cases, you will be forced to do away with some foods, drinks, and substances. If you are determined to get rid of cellulite on legs or anywhere on your body, it is inevitable to do away with smoking, sugary foods, caffeine, processed foods, and alcohol.

Keep hydrated always

Nothing keeps our skin healthier than water. How much water you drink determines how fast and how effective you can fight cellulite on legs. According to, hydration helps in clearing toxins. It also helps in moisturizing your skin. This is an essential step towards fighting cellulite.

If you are already having it, dehydration makes it look worse. Just imagine how cellulite will look like in a dry, wrinkled and flaky skin. It looks terrible, doesn’t it?

Drinking at least six glasses of water daily might help you. When skin cells function properly, there will be no room for this orange peel syndrome. Research has shown that hydration, combined with cardio exercises; make a perfect treatment.

Build your leg muscles

Like earlier indicated, the fats deposits you feel on your legs are trapped in the connective tissues. Your legs have the most number of connective tissues than any other part of your body. This explains why this problem is more common on thighs and lower limbs. highlights that exercises that strengthen the muscles of your legs are essential in losing cellulite on legs. When you exercise, the connective tissues tighten. There is, therefore, no room for accumulation of fats.

Some of the exercises that can help in building up leg muscles include:

  • Split squats
  • Sumo jump squats
  • Barbell squats
  • Barbell step ups
  • Squats
  • Glute kickbacks

These are some of the most essential exercises in tightening the connective tissues. If you continuously carry out these workouts, you will soon get rid of the dimply skin.

Specialized massage

This is a temporary home-based remedy for cellulite on legs. The lumps of fat you feel on your legs can disappear with intense massage. If you can’t go to a masseuse, massage your legs with a piece of towel dipped in hot water.

However, specialized massage is better than home-based one. This is a bit expensive as it will require you to visit the masseuse daily. Although this technique does not remove cellulite completely, it helps in reducing its severity.

Try a coffee scrub

It sounds crazy to imagine that coffee can help in fixing cellulite. According to, a coffee scrub can significantly this problem.

A coffee scrub works quite well when combined with coconut oil and salt. Make the mixture and apply it on your legs or affected area. This method has proved to eliminate cellulite.

All the three ingredients in the coffee scrub are essential. While coconut oil soothes your skin, salt helps in exfoliation. Additionally, coffee helps in jolting your skin. As a result, there is improved blood flow. This plays a major role in losing cellulite.

Use cellulite creams

If all the above home-based approaches can’t help, you can buy existing cellulite creams. You apply these creams on the affected areas. According to, the following are some of the best cellulite creams available in the market:

  • Soap and glory sit tight 4-D cream
  • Body merry cellulite defense
  • Caudalie contouring concentrate
  • Clarins body-fit anti-cellulite contouring expert
  • Elemis cellutox active body oil

It is possible to get rid of this hail damage at home

All the above ways of have proven that one can minimize or defeat cellulite on legs. In fact, 98 % of these are home-based remedies. You don’t have an excuse now to live with your dimply legs.

Article Citations and References

  1. Dealing with Cellulite on Legs & Thighs
  2. Everything you need to know about cellulite
  3. This Legs and Butt Workout Is the Ultimate Way to Get Rid of Cellulite
  4. How to Reduce Cellulite on Legs
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