No one likes pimples because they are ugly and erode our confidence. Therefore, most people with this condition work so hard to get rid of acne or hide them. I still wonder why there is still no permanent cure for a condition that affects more than 40% of Americans.
It is easy to tolerate any hidden part of the body but not places like face, chin, neck, etc. The back neck is the worst possible place that pimples can think of attacking. Unlike the other regions of your body where you can cover pimples with some form of clothing, it is impossible to hide zits on this part of the body. But that is just me. If you have a way of hiding cyst on the back of your neck, then kindly share.
I may not know how to hide zits on the neck, but I might just have some tips on how to prevent and treat them. I am going to share that with you in this article.
When trying to treat any form of acne, ranging from small painless to large painful lump on your neck, finding out what causes neck acne is always the first step in the right direction. Here are some causes.
There are several ways on how to clear back neck acne. The treatments will majorly depend on the cause and type of acne. Here are some general ways in which you clear these spots.
Many users have given positive reviews about the wonders of Neck Regimen in treating pimples in this area. They say you can achieve an acne-free skin in 3-4 months if you strictly follow the procedure. The secrets given on how to remove pimples fast using the Neck Regimen is consistency.
Tea tree oil is considered one of the most effective home remedies acne anywhere on the body. Tea tree oil fights bacteria and fungi due to its antibacterial characteristics. The oil has also got soothing properties which help reduce the redness and inflammation.
Mix five drops of pure tea tree oil with two teaspoons of raw honey then simply rub on the affected area. The tea tree oil also contains Hyaluronic acid which helps remove the scars the acne scars. It is one of the fastest ways of treating any pimple-like bumps or acne.
Mix one tablespoon of raw honey with one tablespoon of yogurt. Apply the mix on your neck. Wait for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Do this at least three times a week until they disappear. This mask hydrates the skin and fights common causes of acne.
Another way to get rid of back neck acne is to apply Castor oil because it contains antibacterial properties which kill the acne-causing bacteria. Castor oil also absorbs the impurities around the affected area thus reducing spread.
Lemon juice contains citric acid which is a very strong antibacterial. This makes lemon juice very useful for acne treatment. Lemon juice will make a pimple dry up very fast. Lemon also contains skin exfoliating properties which can peel the dead skin around the affected area and thereby reducing scarring. Do not use bottled juice because the preservatives may worsen your situation.
Garlic has got antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements which could help get rid of the bumps behind your neck. Extract garlic juice by making cuts on a clove of garlic. Rub the juice on the affected part. Do this at night for maximum effect. Be sure to get the pimples gone the following morning.
Getting a pimple on the back of your neck is quite common and is not something you should panic about. Even without treating it, it can disappear on its own within a few days after its appearance, if you are patient.
Before embarking on any treatment, kindly find out the cause. Pimples in front of your neck should be treated with the same remedies you use to clear acne on your face since the skin around this area is soft and sensitive.