We live in a society where kids as young as 15 years already have an active sexual life. The dilemma that these kids face and many more people who have an active sex life is how to have sex and still avoid sex. Of course, a lot of research has been done in this area and we have so many contraceptives and other birth control pills on the market.
That said, the problem with these pills is the side effects and risks they pause to their consumers; they have been known to increase blood pressure, weight gain, mood swings, irregular periods and people who use them have a higher risk of getting breast cancer.
Safe day
The fact that more than 3000 Americans got unwanted pregnancies last year means there is something wrong with these birth control methods. Probably, most people don’t like using them because of the side effects. The use of natural birth control methods, therefore, becomes a fallback option.
There are several natural ways to avoid pregnancy. In fact, these methods were used before civilization and were efficient. Some scholars claim that if used well, natural family planning methods have a success rate of more than 90%. In this article, w share some of the ways on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
It is also known as coitus interruptus or pull out method. It’s a natural pregnancy prevention method in which a man pulls out his penis from a woman’s vagina prior to orgasm and then directs his semen away from the vagina. It requires a lot of discipline and practice to master this method, but it is quite effective if you get it right.
It is a popular birth control method; according to Wikipedia, it was used by an estimated 38 million people in 1991.
This is a method that entails periodical abstinence of sex at certain periods during the menstrual cycle. It was used as a way to avoid pregnancy naturally before the invention of condoms and contraceptive pills. In the modern day, there are several mobile phone apps that can help couples use the rhythm method as one of the ways to stop pregnancy.
According to Doctor Akita S., one of your ovaries releases is egg every month. You always experience your period after a certain number of days ranging commonly from 21 to 30 days; therefore, ovulation will take place about midway before the start of your next period. (You should count days starting with the first day of menstruation)
After ovulation, the egg can live for 24 hours. On the other hand, sperms survive for 48 days after sex. You should, therefore, ensure that there is no sperm to fertilize your egg when it is released. To do this, you should completely avoid sex at least 3 days before to 2 days after ovulation. Because these are the most fertile days in your menstrual cycle.
The doctor says there are several parameters that can help a woman know when she is ovulating;
There are some foods that have been considered as a natural contraception method. You should never eat these foods if you are pregnant because they can induce an abortion.
If taken in large quantities, cinnamon stimulates the uterus thus inducing an abortion or miscarriage, you should consume it regularly and for a longer time if you want to use it as a birth control method.
Vitamin C has got ascorbic acid which interferes with the progesterone hormone. Progesterone is responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy. Taking a vitamin C capsules daily will, therefore, protect you against pregnancy. You can also eat food rich in vitamin C like dried Citrus fruits, lemon, and guava.
Dried cotton roots, when taken in boiled water or as tea, stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin that prevents pregnancy.
If you take wild cotton seeds immediately after having sex, then you will not get pregnant. The seeds disrupt the synthesis of progesterone thus preventing implantation of the egg.
Taking dried apricots is an easy and effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Mix 2 tablespoons of dried apricot, 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of water then boil it for 30 minutes. Drink it immediately after sex. It can also cure excessive bleeding during periods.
The effectiveness of any birth control method is dependent on the right usage. Using the above methods is not a guarantee that you won’t get pregnant. Using natural methods to prevent pregnancy leaves you vulnerable to getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases and therefore should only be used if you trust your partner.