How do I get rid of dark spots or can I get a good treatment that works? Knowing how to clear these is important because you can make a very significant step towards restoring an even and spotless and good looking skin. Learn more about various treatments and removal techniques that will lighten these black spots or patches effectively.
There are many approaches that can be used to get rid of dark spots on your skin. We are going to put them into main categories which will be treatments, natural remedies, products and creams to use to remove these spots from your skin. Let us begin with treatments to remove them.
Some of the treatments are what you can afford while others will be relatively expensive. These treatments require you to talk to a professional skincare professional or dermatologists before using any of these approaches i.e. the procedures are done in a doctor’s room.
Have you been so disturbed with the hyperpigmented skin for a long time? Laser therapy is the first effective treatment that will help you get rid of dark patches and spots. Intense light from laser equipment is directed to the areas affected by these spots where the melanocytes cells are destroyed.
For a few hundred Dollars laser assures you of effectively, quick and quality removal.
Secondly, apart from the laser, getting rid of these black spots could be easy should opt for microdermabrasion. The process entails gently removing the uppermost layer of skin giving way for a healthier and newer layer to replace it. This ensures that all darkened spots are done away with.
You require a professional surgeon to carry out exfoliation and removal during the process of microdermabrasion. The average cost in the US could be about 150$ whereas it is even cheaper and affordable in Asian countries.
Not everyone can go to microdermabrasion, your doctor will advise you if you do not pass for it due to other conditions such as warts, psoriasis, active acne, and serious diabetes.
If microdermabrasion is not appropriate to clear dark spots to opt for dermabrasion which lies in a bracket of 1,500 – 4,000 US Dollars. This is a costly procedure. However, it gives results you heal. Of course, recovery may take long but aftercare is required for better skin resurfacing.
Depending on where you want (scars from acne, sun pigments) to get rid of, this process requires deeper exfoliation. That is, to remove and peel a layer depth of skin together with the cells causing added pigments.
In case you have suffered much from sunburn then chemical peels is your answer to get rid of dark marks and spots that results. In this procedure, a substantial-top layer of skin made up of mainly dead cells is removed to allow a new top layer of cells to rise and replace the layer with the dark/ spots or patches.
Some of the common peels used include Alpha-hydroxyl acids (AHAs) e.g. trichloracetic acid. Topix Glycolix pads may be used for milder peeling daily purposes.
Your dermatologist will determine if you require deep chemical peels or minor peels in order to clear dark spots with priority.
Topical treatments are not only used to cure this skin hyperpigmentation but also reducing and help lighten them. If you have dark spot hyperpigmentation due to any of the causes, go for the various topical products that eliminate darkened spots. We will discuss the use of creams to remove these spots as well as some ingredients that are important. Let us begin with ingredients.
Which ingredients should you look for in anti-dark spots creams?
Before looking at the various creams available, let us just focus on general ingredients of topical acid creams and over counter creams that can be helpful.
1. Alpha-hydroxyls
AHA creams are proven for dark spot lightening and providing moisture for the skin. Select alpha-hydroxyl creams with Glycolic acid, Ellagic acid for example Spotlight Skin lightener, Derma E cream.
2. Arbutin Hydroquinone Creams and Serums
Some of the over the counter products contain arbutin or hydroquinone ingredients that if you apply will help in lightening these black spots. It is however recommended to use OTC creams with low concentrations (e.g. 3% hydroquinone) because they are more effective with lesser side effects.
3. Retinol/Retinoic Acid
If they are from sun damage, apply non-prescription creams with retinoic acid. One good thing with Retinoic Acid dark spot removal cream is that active ingredient retinol reduces the chances of having collagen breakdown even after treatment.
4. Lignin Peroxidase enzyme, Licorice, and Kojic acid
Topical lightening creams rich in Lignin Peroxidase enzyme, Licorice or Kojic acid can also make them lighter and ensure a smooth and even skin. Avoid retinoid use if you are planning to have/before treatment and during the whole of pregnancy period.
5. Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory treatments
Use Azelaic acid creams to get rid of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after acne. Those from acne may be caused by disordered cell growth which can be dealt with Azelaic acid.
These are just but a few of the important ingredients you should look for in any topical product for spots that are dark or some form of hyperpigmentation. Let us now look at some of the best creams to try.
What best brands or products or creams can you go for? If you are specifically looking for some of the best for dark spot removal creams and product to give the results you have been yearning for. Some of the best fade cream or spots correctors, gels, and lotions include:
The above is not the only good creams, there are many other best correctors and lightening creams include:
Some skincare products for nourishment are essential in controlling how the skin gets pigmented especially after dermabrasion, microdermabrasion or other exfoliation on the skin. There is a good range of products to help in dark spot removal. Some of such products include:
Brightening skin cleansers
This will enhance even skin and ensure you have a brighter skin after having laser therapy primary to getting rid of melanoma. Do daily cleaning with skin brightening cleansers for perfect results.
Brightening cleansers have useful ingredients to enlighten and brighten dull skin:
Aminobutyric acid, Kojic acid, Glycerin, Aqua water, Calcium Pantothenate, Sodium Chloride, etc.
Skin brightening enzyme lightening cream
Whether you have already formed patches or pigmented skin all you need is an active skin brightening enzyme. These enzyme products soften and eat away the superficial/top skin layer.
Before applying the wash, rinse your skin using skin Brightening Cleanser. Let it dry and thereafter apply a thin layer of the enzyme product onto the skin for about 20 minutes. Discontinue use if need be e.g. irritation or sensitivity.
If you want to try a natural way, go for the various natural home remedies remove dark marks and spots i.e. home remedies to remove on the skin with home remedies. Most of them entail things you can easily get at your home. To be honest, most of them aim at reducing and lightening dark spot occurrences and they take a little longer to give results. Here are the most common and among the top 10 home remedies.
1. Papaya
You simply need to carefully and gently rub a raw/fresh papaya fruit directly onto the area with dark marks or spots. A daily twice routine especially after a bath and before sleep is good enough to see your pimple black spots lighten and fade away.
What makes papaya among top 10 home remedies for this problem unique is the fact that it contains certain enzymes that lighten dark sports fast.
2. Sandalwood Powder + Pure Glycerin/ Rosewater +Lemon Juice
Prepare the mixture paste in small proportions. Apply this antiseptic mixture until it dries up. Wash afterward with cool water. For best results, apply and leave it overnight.
3. Horseradish Herbs + Buttermilk/Apple Cider Vinegar
Horseradish is a natural herb can prevent or reduce these spots especially for older individuals who have not started developing spots due to age. Prepare your horseradish mixture and leave it to rest for 2 weeks. Filter it and apply on your body.
4. Lemon Juice
As a home remedy to reduce dark spots use fresh lemon in getting rid of any sunspots.
Apart from reducing black spots, lemon juice can act organic bleacher because of the natural acidity of the juice.
5. Yoghurt Oatmeal + Lemon face mask
Apply ready-made yogurt facial mask to help reduce and at the same time lighten the darkened spots. It is a very simple procedure.
If you want more instant and best results mix your yogurt with 2 teaspoon oatmeal and a handful of fresh lemon juice. Use it before bedtime and apply moisturizer after removing.
Alternatively, use apple cider vinegar and honey instead of buttermilk. Remember to use a Sunscreen (SPF30) or above after applying, to prevent being an extra sensitive reaction to the sun’s ultraviolet radiations UVR.
6. Castor Oil + Vitamin E Oil
Castor oil is another product for top home remedies to consider. Apply castor oil mixture using a clean cotton ball on areas of dark spots. Next, gently massage over for at least 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times each day.
7. Red Currants & Honey or Parsley/Lemon Juice
Use this natural home remedies to remove or lighten dark spots by following these steps:
If you wish, lightly pat with diluted lemon juice before applying an appropriate skin moisturizer.
8. Red Onion Juice
Because of the acidic nature of the onion juice trying this home remedy will assist in your efforts to lighten and fade away spots problem. Red onion in particular acts as a natural factor and bleacher.
To facilitate it add a little honey to red onions and apply to the affected area. Rinse and clear it after 15 or so minutes using warm water and herbal soap to get rid of the onion smell.
9. Red Lentils + Milk
This is an effective method in natural home remedies for those from acne.
10. Licorice Roots & Honey
A combination of these two natural remedies in do-it-yourself has wonderful results. It is the top 10 home remedies included to clear and get rid of dark spots by controlling how melanin pigment should take the course.
In saying which the best home remedies are, we considered the time and/or effect it takes to substantially have dark spot problem removed. Some of the various natural remedies discussed above, qualify to be the most effective ones.
If you need to quickly get rid of dark spots that are a nuisance to your skin then laser therapy or treatment is one of the best. Only 4 or 5 laser treatments are needed for light-skinned individuals.
Besides laser, you can also try dermabrasion and microdermabrasion which are also the other best dark spot treatments alternative for the naturally dark skin. During the gentle scrapping process excess deposits of melanin pigments are removed.
The final fairly faster and best treatment, go for chemical peels and then creams. Chemical peels will be good for superficial spots while creams might take slightly longer.
Allowing yourself to have dark spots or patches makes you look ugly and may actually lead to premature aging. It is for you to take the right measures and ensure that you stop dark patches and maintain normal pigmentation. Some of the means you need to start putting into practice in preventing them is as follows.
Our hope you learned and will adopt the various dark spot removal treatments, topical cream products and/ or approaches to lighten them naturally. We hope to get some feedback and possible results from best treatment, cream or home remedies that you tried yourself.