

How to Treat and Prevent Chafing Under Breasts

Chafing under breast

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Chafing under breasts is a common condition among many women if not all. A good number of women can attest to have had this problem at one point in their lives. Unfortunately, not all women can differentiate between a chafing rash and other under the boob rash-related conditions as well as infection.

Understanding under the breast chafing

What is chafing under breasts then? This irritating painful phenomenon occurs when the skin around this region gets irritated. The irritation is mainly because of the breasts continuously getting rubbed against the body or the bra. It can also be as a result of your boobs continuously or rigorously getting rubbed against your other clothes. It is also common to end up with a chafed nipple.

Chafing under breast

Chafing under breast

Note that the skin under your breasts is very sensitive and tender. Therefore, it can easily get irritated from minor rubbing. When continuous rubbing occurs, there is friction, and the skin to wear out. This makes it sting or burn. This makes it appears like a red rash under the breasts.

Apart from the skin under the breasts, one can get a chafed skin in other body parts where friction is more. These parts may include:

  • The skin around the inner thighs
  • In the armpits
  • In the groin area
  • Around the nipples
  • The area around the inner glutes

Facts about chafed under breasts identifies the fact that there are many things that people do not understand about chafed under breasts. Therefore, before looking for how to heal chafing, it is advisable to understand some few facts about the condition.

These facts include:

  • It is mainly as a result of rubbing the skin against the skin, bra or other clothes
  • Because of this rubbing, there is mechanical wear of the skin.
  • Because of this rubbing, the superficial skin layer under the breasts wears out.
  • The skin, therefore, develops a reddish rash that is itchy and painful
  • The rash can easily get infected (open a gateway to secondary infections).

Symptoms to expect

Just look at the skin under the breasts. Is what you are seeing a normal rash or chaffing? How can you differentiate between the two?

According to, chafing can be differentiated from any other breast infection. Basically, this condition is external, unique, and it comes with the following symptoms:

  • The skin under the breasts starts stinging
  • It may also become severely itchy.
  • You may also experience some swelling and inflammation.
  • If the skin gets excessively irritated and appears reddish
  • In hot weather, you experience some burning sensation, especially when you sweat.

Why does chafing affect this area?

Wikipedia identifies that the causes of chafed under breasts are minor and manageable. Most of them do not have any medical attachment. In fact, a majority of the causes are lifestyle-related.

Therefore, preventing chafing is the primary step towards healing. In most cases, chafed under breasts is attributed to various factors such as:

  • Pregnancy
  • Wearing tight clothes {bras and tops}
  • Type of fabrics making bras and tops
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Excessive sweating
  • Heat or hot weather


While discussion various ways to soothe chafing under breasts, highlights that the skin in this area get chafed, especially when women are pregnant. It is, therefore, possible to hear women talk chafed under breasts during pregnancy or while pregnant.

During pregnancy, most women tend to gain weight. Due to this rapid weight gain, a lot of fats are deposited in this area, therefore breasts increase in size.

Because of the increase in size, there is increased friction between the breasts, the skin, and the bra. This causes friction and irritation triggers chafing.

Wearing tight clothes

Generally, women have a tendency of wearing tight clothes, including the bras and tops. This is another possible trigger. Tight bras and tops mean increased friction.

The condition is worsened by people who wear tight clothes and then engage in vigorous activities such as running. Friction added to excessive sweating causes severe chafing.

Types of fabrics

On the best and worst fabrics for sweaty people, identifies that some fabrics irritate the skin while others are very poor in absorbing sweat.

If engaging in rigorous activities, consider wearing fabrics that can wick moisture. This ensures that the area around the breasts remain dry throughout. Consider the following as ideal fabrics:

  1. Wearing cotton clothes as opposed to polyester ones
  2. Wearing linen as opposed to rayon ones
  3. Wearing chambray as opposed to denim
  4. Stretch fabrics as opposed to tight ones

Excessive weight gain

Did you know that weight gain and obesity are the leading cause this problem? If you didn’t know, now you know. This tells you that managing your weight is one way of avoiding chafing.

While discussing the different ways to prevent chafing, The Shape Magazine outlines that friction between body parts and clothes is worsened by weight gain. There is little friction between the breasts and the rest of the skin for the slim women.

Furthermore, most of the fats formed during weight gain are deposited in certain areas, breasts being one of them and their size increases. When their increase in size, there is increased rubbing between them and the bra. This results in chafing.


Although sweating is normal, there are instances when it is a real bother. Imagine sweating when you are wearing a tight bra or top. Can you prevent chafing?

During sweating, the skin clings on the clothes. This increases friction between the two. On ways to solve your sweaty boob struggles, notes that use of sweat absorbers can solve the problem.

Some of the products you can use include:

  1. Belly bandit sweat soakers
  2. Panty liners
  3. Boobalicious breast deodorant
  4. Silky underwear powder
  5. Cornflour
  6. Crystal deodorant
  7. Argan oil

Hot weather and excessive heat

People who live in extremely hot places are more likely to have this problem than the ones who live in cool ones. This is closely related to sweating. However, this can be managed by ensuring that you always wear clothes that ensure free air circulation.

In extremely hot weather and places, you can opt not to wear a bra or a t-shirt. Just wear a light dress to ensure free movement of air in and out of your breasts.

Healing and treating chafed under breasts

To help prevent and treat this problem there are simple Dos and Don’ts can be effective in treating and relieving chafing.

Below are some of the practices that can help in treating this condition:

  1. Always keep your breasts clean and dry. While cleaning and drying, you should do it gently to prevent further irritation.
  2. Avoid scratching the affected region even in cases of extreme itching
  3. When indoors, leave your boobs uncovered, or you can wear a light dress.
  4. Keep hydrated by taking a lot of fluids as dry skin is more susceptible to chafing than a hydrated one.
  5. Manage weight if you note rapid weight gain and obesity. This can be managed through dieting or exercises.
  6. Apply zinc oxide on the affected region. This does not only soothe the inflammation but also facilitates healing
  7. In case chafing under breasts is characterized by swelling, crusting and bleeding, consider seeking extensive medical attention.



  1. Chafing (skin irritation)
  2. 7 ways to solve your sweaty boob struggles
  3. How to Prevent Chafing—And How to Treat It When You Can’t
  4. Chafing
  5. The Best And Worst Fabrics For Sweaty People
  6. what is a friction burn?
  7. Chafing skin
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