Do you have black or dark bumps, spots or dots on your foreheads? Are they blackheads? Have you ever wondered what they could mean?
Blackheads are mild acne type. What could they mean when they are found in this part of your face? Get more insight into their meaning, causes, symptoms, related myths, treatments, and prevention tips.
These are small black or colored bumps, spot or dots on the forehead that usually develops when the hair follicles are clogged by overproduction of sebum. When sebum is overproduced, it will form plugs in the pores by clumping with the dead epidermal cells.
These plugs are referred to as comedones since they remain open and when they are exposed to the air, they will turn black when the sebum becomes oxidized, and therefore the name blackheads. However, when the plugs are closed, you will have whiteheads.
Blackheads can also affect other parts of the body, Healthline.com notes further that, “Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually forms on the face, but they can also appear on the back, chest, neck, arms, and shoulders.”
Below are the common causes include:
1. Production of excess sebum
Forehead breakouts can also be experienced when hair follicles around this area are blocked due to build-up excess sebum, dirt and oil. Again, the accrual of dead skin can also clog the hair follicles leading to small bumps on the forehead.
Correct remedies should be undertaken to hamper all the factors that aid the excessive production of sebum and oils, and the buildup of dirt on the forehead
2. Hormonal variations during pregnancy and periods and use of birth pills
To continue with the discussion, I want to put it clear that hormonal variations and imbalances in these periods play a very greater role in blackheads break out.
For instance, during pregnancy and menstruation periods in women, the level of hormones will tend to be high. A good example is the androgen hormone. This hormone contributes to overproduction of sebum, which clogs the pores leading to bumps on the forehead.
Furthermore, the level of androgen also rises during puberty in both boys and girls making both vulnerable to bumps on forehead, “teenage spots’ on the forehead are also common especially among teenagers using birth control medications. This medication too can lead to hormonal imbalances leading to forehead acne.
Apart from being influenced by variations in hormonal levels, excessive production of sebum can also be predisposed by genetics
3. Some types Cosmetics and Skin Products
If you have been using cosmetics and other skin production and never imagined their side effect, then it is time to wake up! Some of these products have the potential to block the pores around your forehead since some of them are made with ingredients that contain triglycerides, fatty acids, and waxes.
Therefore, these products can react like sebum hence triggering the formation of forehead acne. It is therefore very essential to go for cosmetic and skin products that won`t clog your pores.
4. Environmental factors
As you already know, they are due to excess sebum production. Although, there are various environmental factors that can make your forehead more susceptible to blackheads breakout even if there is no overproduction of excess sebum in your body.
Factors such as excess pollution, dust and small particles in the air can reach your pores summing up with sebum to create blackheads.
5. Some medications
In some cases, small bumps on the forehead can be caused by certain medications such as corticosteroids, lithium, androgens, and birth control pills. It is very important to note that, some of these drugs can increase the level of certain hormones influencing oil gland to produce excess oils leading to acne breakout.
6. Wearing helmets and cap
Wearing helmets and caps is very imperative especially when driving two-wheelers on roads, but the drawback relies on how best we can maintain them clean. This should not convince us not to wear them, they are very important!
Therefore, the best approach is to cover your head and forehead with a clean cotton cloth before wearing helmets to make sure that your delicate forehead is protected from dirt that could build up leading to acne breakout.
7. Other reasons
Apart from the above factors and conditions, below are more factors that can as well trigger blackheads breakout on foreheads:
Blackheads on foreheads or other parts of the body can easily be spotted since they are black or dark in color. They are a bit raised but are not painful because they are non-inflamed like pimples; this is because the comedones have not yet been infected with bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes).
Note this; pimples will come into being when bacteria lambaste the blockage in the hair follicles leading to redness and irritation.
Out there, are some pretty thought-provoking, yet amusing myths concerning blackheads occurrence and location in the body. Most of those rumors are just but the old wives tales that have no scientific explanation.
Therefore, if you have been wondering if what you have heard is true or just a myth then you can quote us saying all myths have no basis, and should not be considered any worthy. The myths also extend to their management at home as indicated below:
In a medical context, myths are considered invalid; therefore, to manage blackheads on your forehead just adopt home remedies and medical treatments.
To be able to define the most suitable treatment, you need to have a prior knowledge of the underlying causes of the given blackheads. In cases where you are not sure about the causes, please see your doctor for more advice. So scroll below to be familiarized with the most effective treatments.
There are many medications available in drugstores that are not prescribed. These kinds of medications can be in the form of creams, gels, and pads. They are directly applied to your skin. The drugs contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and resorcinol.
Even though these medications are not being prescribed, try to get your doctor`s advice before you could use them. Again, try to gather information about the underlying causes of your blackheads to help you know the correct over the counter product.
In cases, where over the counter drugs may not be effective on in circumstances when you are suffering serious symptoms of blackheads, the situation may force to visit your doctor for a prescription.
So some of the medications that your doctor is likely to prescribe may include medications containing vitamin A., For instance, Tretinoin, Tazarotene, and Adapalene. These drugs will help prevent plugs from forming in the hair follicles.
Your doctor may also prescribe other types of topical medications containing benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic. These will be more appropriate particularly when you develop blackheads alongside acne cysts and pimples.
Laser and light procedures can be very effective to manage this acne form and other types by diminishing the rate of oil production and killing causing bacteria. The two therapies involve the use of tiny beams of intense light; they reach underneath the skin surface to heal blackheads and acne without destroying the top layer of the skin.
A chemical peel can also be used to get rid of clogs and the dead skin cells that can contribute to the formation of the blackheads. The technique involves strong chemical solution applied to the skin, this will influence the top layer of skin to peel off leaving the underneath skin very smooth.
You can easily find mild peels since they are available over the counter. Stronger peels are strictly performed by dermatologists or skincare professionals only.
This is a process where your doctor will use a special instrument that has a rough surface to sand the top layers of your skin, this will get rid of clogs that lead to their formation.
The dermatologists or specialized doctors usually use certain tools called round loop extractors to remove the plug being oxidized to form blackheads. A small opening is made in the plug then little pressure is applied to remove the clog.
There are various home products available at home the can be used to manage several body skin disorders. Remember the effectiveness of these products will depend on the triggers.
They can include Aloe Vera, radish seeds, honey, milk, lemon juice, toothpaste, Garlic juice, aspirin paste, ginger juice, salt soaks among others.
When the results you get from the application of these products are not promising, please visit your dermatologist for further medications.
Did you know that you can prevent the development of blackheads on your forehead without spending a lot of money seeking some of the expensive medications? Try applying some of the tips highlighted below:
Try washing your face regularly, this will help in getting rid of oil, sweat or dead skin cells build-up that may trigger blackheads. Use a gentle cleanser that does not irritate your skin. It is also a good idea to wash your face immediately after exercising and sweating. Remember over washing your face can also lead to skin irritation.
Use oil-free products i.e. oil-free makeup, lotions, and sunscreens to limit your chances of developing blackheads.
Below are more tips that can as well help prevent their formation:
Blackheads do not always develop alongside severe symptoms but they can be influenced by other conditions to become more dangerous pimple and acne breakouts. To effectively deal with them find out the trigger of excess oil production and impede them. Lastly, when the home remedies and over the counter products don’t bear any fruit, seek medical attention from your dermatologist or doctor.