

Head or Foreskin Penis Cuts Causes and Cures

What causes cuts on penis head, foreskin or shaft

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Penis cut is a situation where the penis tears, either after sex, due to an injury, or due to infections. Obviously, this is one the worst things that can happen to your penis. Have you ever been a victim of this?

These cuts occur in the following parts:

What causes cuts on penis head, foreskin or shaft

What causes cuts on penis head, foreskin or shaft?

  • The foreskin
  • Penis head or tip
  • Frenulum

In terms of prevalence, it is estimated that one in every three people have suffered from a kind of penis tear or cut. Therefore, it is a common problem that cannot be ignored. Besides affecting your self-esteem, it is a serious health concern to the sexually active people.

In most cases, some people find it hard to tell their spouses or doctors that they are having cuts on the penis. However, no matter how small it appears, should be handled with great caution and given a chance to heal once the cause is known.

You will all agree that penis is a very sensitive organ. This explains why even a small cut would be a real bother for many men. Therefore, having the right information concerning this condition is very important.

Where would penis cuts come from?

Are you having a penis cut, either on the tip, head or frenulum? Where did this it come from? Contrary to believes by many people the cut may not be because of sexual intercourse. According to, they are attributed to many factors.

Some of the common causes of penis cuts include:

Excessive friction during sex

This is the main cause. Generation of excess friction during sex results to friction burn besides some cuts or tears.

Cases resulting from sex is generally attributed to the following factors:

  1. Reduced lubrication. This mainly occurs when the female partner is not ready. This means that there is limited lubrication fluid, thus increased friction.
  2. Women with extremely small vaginas. In such cases, sexual pleasure is high but the penile head might be injured in the process.
  3. Men with extremely big penises. Due to increased thickness, there is excess friction between it and the vagina walls.
  4. Deep penetration. This may result to an injury, if it involves women with small vagina and men with huge penis.

Yeast and other infections

Every gynecologist will tell you that male reproductive organs are highly susceptible to yeast infections. Yeast infections will mainly infect the testicles or the penis, especially the tip and head.

If you are having a yeast infection on the penis, then it is infected by a fungus commonly known as candida. According to, this yeast infections are sexually transmitted, especially when one engages in unprotected sex.

Penile yeast infection comes along with the following symptoms besides experiencing a cut on the penis:

  • Some pain that worsens during intercourse
  • The affected area gets severely red
  • Excessive itching
  • Having a burning feeling around the affected part

Cut on frenulum

You all know what frenulum is. This is the most sensitive part of the penis as far as cuts are concerned. Frenulum is an elastic tissue that connects the foreskin to the vernal mucosa and the shaft. In case of an injury or yeast infection, frenulum may have tears.

Many men have fallen victim of frenulum injury. When there is excessive friction during sex, the frenulum gets torn. Such a scenario is very painful. This injury comes along with inflammation and bleeding. In such a case, wearing inner wears becomes an issue. Furthermore, engaging in sex is also inhibited.

Balanitis – tears on foreskin or penis head (common in diabetics)

This sounds mysterious, doesn’t it? In fact, the term balanitis has gained overwhelming popularity in the recent years.

According to, balanitis is witnessed in cases of chronic diabetes. In the penis, balanitis is common among uncircumcised men. The cut involves the foreskin. In most cases, balanitis is fatal. It may take months to heal given the fact that diabetes slows the rate at which wounds heal.

However, balanitis among uncircumcised men may also be related to poor hygiene. The region beneath the foreskin harbors a lot of dirt. This provides a favorable environment for the breeding of fungus and bacteria.

Behavior-related causes

These are environmental factors. They relate to the things we do or expose our penises to. For example, masturbation can cause tears or cuts. How does this happen? Masturbation involves rigorous rubbing of the penis. As a result, frenulum, head or penile tip may get injured.

Additionally, penile piercing may result to these cuts or tears. When not done by professionals, severe cuts may be witnessed, especially on the glans.

Finally, wearing latex condoms can also contribute to this problem. This is common if your body develops an allergic reaction to these condoms.

How do you treat penis cuts?

According to, treating penile cuts involves identifying what is causing it, even before seeking medical attention. Knowing the source of the injury is the primary step in determining the nature of medical care to be adopted.

Your doctor may even conduct a swab test to ascertain if the cuts are from a yeast infection. Once this is ascertained, the doctor may prescribe topical antifungal creams or ointments.

If it is resulting from diabetes, then specialized medical attention is required. Commonly, managing the severity of diabetes may enhance your body’s ability to heal fast.

If the cut is deep, especially on the frenulum, stitching may be recommended. This involves a minor surgery where torn tissues are stitched together, thus correcting the tear.

Can you prevent cuts on the penis?

Naturally, we should all seek prevention rather than cure. However, there is no precaution that can guarantee you total safety from cuts. However, you can minimize the chances of occurrence.

According to, penile cuts can be prevented by adopting certain measures. These measures mainly relate to hygiene and personal care.

Some of the prevention measures include:

  • Always keep your genitals dry and clean. We all know that disease-causing organism thrive well in dirty and moist areas. Note that fungus and bacteria thrive well in moist and dirty genitals. Wear inner wears that absorb moisture. Additionally, clean your genitals daily.
  • Protect yourself from STIs. Like earlier noted, most yeast infections are sexually transmitted. In this regard, always consider safe sex by using condoms. If your penis reacts to latex condoms, you can always shift to non-latex ones.
  • Keep the penis skin moisturized. Chafed skin is likely to experience regular cuts. In this case, use some oils that are rich in vitamin E to keep its skin is moisturized.


  1. Friction Burns
  2. Frenulum of prepuce of penis
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