When it comes to what men look for in women and the society at large, there are specific qualities that define a good woman. Besides outward beauty, there are other qualities such as submissiveness, humility, kindness, and gentleness among others which are often sought for.
You will strongly agree with me that beauty is more of an internal aspect than a physical one. However, the society holds diverse ideologies on the best qualities in a woman.
Qualities of a good woman that every man looks for
Ideal traits, therefore, vary from one person to the other; and from one society to the other. Qualities of a good wife, for instance, depending on who is defining them. The qualities that one man looks for in a woman may be different from what another one may be seeking for.
Every man would wish to get an ideal woman to marry. Therefore, it is normal nowadays for men to spend a lot of time researching the qualities of a good woman to marry or date. Establishing these qualities is a core prerequisite in finding a perfect marriage partner.
If you are in a dilemma of establishing what makes a certain lady ideal, then this article is a must-read for you. It highlights the qualities of a perfect woman and gives a detailed account of what men look for in ladies.
On the top qualities men want in a woman, Goodmenproject.com notes that men look for specific qualities in the ladies they want to marry. Although these qualities vary from one individual to another, it’s quite clear that all good women have certain common qualities {
Gone are the days when beauty came first as far as good women are concerned. We are living at a time when many beautiful and educated ladies lack good character and attitude. Therefore, one of the core qualities of a perfect lady is an ideal character.
Still, on traits men look for in the lady of their dreams, Elitedaily.com notes that character defines who you are as a woman. Therefore, a nice lady has nothing to do with outward beauty.
In our current society, women spend much money and time, just to look good. Indeed, most of them look good, but their character is wanting. Note that serious men invest much time trying to establish the inner character that lies deep within a person.
It’s always assumed that men are hard and lack affection and romance. However, men like partners who are willing to show them affection.
After a hard day at work, men would wish to find a romantic and affectionate woman at home. Men would wish to hear sweet words from their spouses. Like ladies, men also have feelings. They would like to feel loved
It is misadvised to assume that men lack a sense of affection. Men are not aliens, and neither are they immortal. Daily romance and affection would mean quite a lot to them.
While covering on the ‘10 Qualities of a Beautiful Woman’, Familyshare.com highlights that beauty without humility is nothing. Men, given their ego, would wish to have humble and submissive women.
Many authors insist that the way to a man’s heart is through being humble. Therefore, one of the core qualities of a good wife is humility. If you are wondering how to be a good female companion, why can’t you try humility?
High handedness, especially among women, will only repel you from men. If you have a problem keeping men in your life, then maybe you lack humility.
You will agree with me that relationships are based on love. How would two people relate if they lack love? The answer is, they can’t.
It’s common to find a woman who has exceptional qualities but lacks love. On top of beauty, I believe the ability to love unconditionally makes you even more beautiful.
In fact, concerning the issue of love, all husbands and boyfriends will agree that one of the most attractive qualities in a woman is the ability to love. Without love, the relationship is deemed to fail within a short while.
Do not be naïve to assume men want a lady that lacks ambition. This is not true most of them would like to have an ambitious lady by his side.
It has always been noted that behind every successful man is a woman. The woman’s ambition pushes the man to be ambitious too. No man would like to have a lady who stays in a comfort zone without showing any sense of ambition.
While covering on all the traits of a good lady, the list cannot be complete without including ambition as one of them. Therefore, as a lady or wife ensure you should strive to achieve more in life.
Men know who they are, and they believe in their abilities. They believe that every problem has a solution. Likewise, they like women who feel the same.
A considerable number of ladies suffer from low self-esteem. It is normal for them to compare themselves with others. It is also normal for them to focus more on their flaws and drawbacks.
However, some of these negative aspects, greatly affect their confidence. One of the outstanding qualities of a perfect woman is the ability to rise above human weaknesses and build self-confidence. No one is perfect. Small flaws should not make anyone not to be confident.
To me, this trait beats all the rest. I think it should be the first on the list. On Characteristics Of a Modern Lady, Sheismore.com notes that all the other qualities of a perfect woman cannot be achieved without intelligent.
Although some men are threatened by intelligent their ladies, quite a significant number of them would choose nothing less than an intelligent one.
Intelligent women are problem solvers. Their intelligence is a core resource for partners. They play an essential role in ensuring that their men are successful.
If you are researching on what makes a good woman, here is one point that you can’t miss. It is disastrous to have one who lacks respect. In fact, beauty without respect is null and void.
Respect is all about respecting yourself and others. For example, how you dress tells a lot about how you respect yourself. How you carry yourself around also shows how much you respect yourself.
Real men would like to be associated with respectful ladies. In the list of what men want in a wife, respect comes first. Therefore, exceptional women are respectful. However, do not forget to note that respect is two-way traffic.
Imagine a woman whom you can’t trust. Imagine one who constantly tells lies. Most resources will insist that the ability to be faithful and honest exceeded outer beauty.
Everything that a man works for is taken care of by a woman. Therefore, a man would like a woman who cannot betray him. In sexual matters, it looks odd for a lady to jump from one man to the other.
On what men look for in women, faithfulness and honesty is core. These two characters tell a lot about who you are. Your overall character is based on these two.
Women are known to suffer from mood swings. It looks odd when tired just to be welcomed by a frowning face. One of the things that men want in a lady is a playful and jovial attitude.
A good woman will always give a smile, even when there is nothing to smile about. When tired, such a lady will make you feel relaxed by the use of their attitude. Note that real beauty is found in a smiling face and not an every frowning one.
It is normal for men to make blunders every now and then. Indeed, they are like young children, who constantly make mistakes and sometimes, they can act so immaturely. They need understanding and patience.
The ability to forgive ranks high on exemplary traits every lady must possess. Can you imagine a lady who holds grudges on almost everything? How would you relate if she never forgives anything?
To emphasise on the trait, on Qualities Of A Good Woman, Match.com notes that the true beauty of a woman is the ability to forgive and move on. This ability recognizes that men are generally weak, thus the need to tirelessly forgive them.
All the above qualities are wrapped up by a strong sense of responsibility. In fact, the true beauty of a woman is the ability to manage every aspect of life, including workplace, home, children, and husband.
The ability to multitask is the best character that defines responsibility. Responsible women shun laziness. Every man wishes to have a responsible lady as a marriage partner. The society, furthermore, cherishes the concept of s responsible woman.