

Why Do I Sweat After Showering – Causes, Treatments and Remedies

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It’s summer and it’s hot, naturally, you will sweat consistently and often without any cause but the heat and humidity (depending on your area.)

Sweating after showering causes, how to stop, medications, treatments and surgery

So, what have we collectively as the people of the earth- and perhaps beyond- agreed that the solution is showering.

It certainly isn’t in my case, because right after a shower, I generally feel like I am sweating again. And I am not alone, sweating after showering is a common occurrence for almost everybody, especially in hot weather- as expected.

You might be wondering, why am I perspiring so much?

Unfortunately, there really isn’t much information out there on the topic. In fact, there is so little, that every article that proposes to have a solution generally regurgitate the following things in terms of a) causes b) solutions


Basically, there are four agreed reasons your body begins to sweat straight after taking a shower as according to the majority of the internet:

  1. Hot water left on your skin and in your hair continues to warm your body after you’ve finished showering.
  2. The vapor from hot water, combined with its temperature, raises the humidity and temperature of the bathroom.
  3. Rubbing dry with a towel causes friction, which in turn causes heat.
  4. Your towel and clothing are probably warm, and contact with them immediately warms you.


What causes excessive sweating

Apart from the above, the only other information one can get is on user-generated Q&A forums, which is generally where people turn to when Google doesn’t have an answer.

Thus, I turned there. My sweating after the shower is generally a feeling of dampness that goes away when I implement some of the solutions above (including walking around stark naked.)

But other people have what the internet refers to as “excessive sweating.” one website claimed its correct term to be hyperhidrosis, which is the medical term for general excessive perspiring. Unfortunately, no specific term has been made for extreme after-shower sweating

Nevertheless, from my internet dive, it seems that most people who sweat disproportionately after showering, don’t generally sweat too much at any other times. There are some, still, who generally do sweat at even the least amount of effort.

For both these, the common places to sweat after showering are the forehead and armpits, one back guy and the whole body for some.

It also seems to be a problem that occurs with age, as a large pool of answer-seekers were older.

Still, not enough study has been done in this area to generate wholesome conclusions

What can you do? – how to stop it

If you are looking for ways to reduce hyperhidrosis after showering, here are some of the important strategies to give a try.

Reduce the water temperature

As you shower, gradually turn down the water temperature to as low as you can stand it. This helps with the overheating of the body after showering by reducing your own body temperature. Make sure to get your hair wet too (unless you’ve got that weave in,) because a cool head will regulate the temperature in the rest of the body.

Don’t rub-dry

The friction caused by rubbing a towel through your body- sometimes vigorously- causes heat. This can be avoided by patting yourself dry after leaving the shower

Do not stay in the shower once you are done

Alternatively, or additionally, you can leave the shower immediately after getting clean. Why? Because if you were showering with warm water, the vapor rises and the heat spreads. Which means the temperature in the room is high, which in turn causes perspiration.

After the shower, walk out into another room stark naked and let the cool air blast your body into non-sweaty behavior

Air regulation system

Have a fan or air-conditioning unit running either in the bathroom or another room. In the bathroom would be effective as it keeps the room temperature down despite the heat.

However, a fan in the next room would be just as great, provided you follow the steps above.

Talcum powder

Talcum powder helps to absorb your sweat and keep your skin dry. It is the same concept as powdering your face or your feet to avoid wetness. Instead, powder your whole body.


This is all conjecture. However, provided other solutions for over sweating. Though they are not specifically for excessive after shower perspiraiton, perhaps they may be applied to the same.

Some treatments for extreme sweating may include certain:

Oral medications

Anticholinergics are the medications used to treat excessive sweating. These include “glycopyrrolate, oxybutynin, Benztropine, propantheline, and others” Says the International Hyperhidrosis Society (HIS)

Herbal treatments or home remedies for sweating after showering

Because herbs always help. In this case, the suggested herbal treatments by the HIS  are “sage tea, sage tablets, chamomile, valerian root, and St. John’s wort.”

Don’t know what half of those are? No problem, Google is always there for you.

Botox injections

Yes, this is a thing. I had readily assumed that these would be used on the forehead only. But they are used for the underarms, and sometimes even for the palms and soles of the hands and feet.


Confused? Not just you, no one really knows how this treatment works. However, it is believed to “block sweat from getting to the surface of your skin.” It is the how that is unknown.

What is it? It is a treatment that uses electro currents passing through shallow water to treat sweating. One sits with hands and feet in water with the currents passing through for about half an hour.

The treatment is repeated as often as needed. A few times a week for severe cases and only a couple times in total for others.

After a while, you can also buy the necessary equipment and do this treatment at home which would be ideal for after shower sweats.

Relaxation treatments

These are things like “acupuncture, biofeedback, hypnosis and relaxation treatments” are also said to help with hyperhidrosis says the IHS


This is mainly used to treat extreme sweating of the hands. Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS) is the most commonly used procedure and the one that has proved most effective. Although it is a simple, one-day outpatient affair, it is still only for extreme cases.

Remember, there are many reasons excessive sweating after shower could occur. But because there is not enough study on the subject, it is best to just go to the doctor and see what he has to say.

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