You may be reading this because your body is experiencing some symptoms like excessive sweating or just cold sweats. You may also be having a weird sensation like the world is spinning whenever you start sweating. That is called dizziness. Sometimes sweating and dizziness is accompanied by fatigue and chronic patients even end up fainting.
There are many reasons why you may be sweating and feeling dizzy. I will point some of them here and give you the probable solutions:
Dehydration means the body is not getting enough fluids. The blood supply to various organs is low and therefore you end up sweating and feeling dizzy. Some of the common causes of dehydration are diarrhea, vomiting and heavy menstruation in women. Dizziness and vomiting are often closely related.
Exercises are vital for good health but too much of something is poisonous. Over-exercising may be the reason why you are experiencing sudden dizziness and perspiration. Excess physical activity may lead to other complications like fatigue, headache and muscle aches.
Most drugs have side effects. Anti-seizure drugs, blood pressure drugs, antibiotics, pain, and chemotherapy medications are known to cause lightheadedness, dizziness and nausea.
A person who takes an overdose of drugs may also experience severe dizziness and sickness.
Expectant mothers go through many changes on their road to motherhood. Some of these changes may trigger excessive sweating and constant dizziness. Some of the reasons for dizziness are the fact that most of the blood flow is concentrated in the fetus and therefore reduced in the other body parts. Another cause is that as the fetus grows, it exerts pressure on the blood vessels and therefore reducing the blood flow to the mother’s heart.
It’s known as hypoglycemia in medical terms. Low blood sugar can lead to excessive sweating and severe dizziness. It’s a condition that is mostly experienced by people suffering from diabetes though it can also be triggered by skipping meals
Other signs of hypoglycemia are fatigue, blurred vision, hunger, and sudden nervousness.
Anxiety disorder is one of the most likely causes of excessive sweating and dizziness. The disorder is characterized by how the body reacts to current events and fear of future events. Anxiety disorders are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
A panic attack is a form of anxiety disorder whose symptoms are excessive sweating, fear and sometimes nausea.
Panic attacks are often associated with a phobia for public places. Other symptoms of panic attacks include chest pains and trouble swallowing.
Refers to the lack of enough Red Blood Cells in the body. This can be due to losing a lot of blood or other illnesses. Red blood cells are responsible for oxygen circulation in the body, therefore, their deficit will result in a problem.
Suffering from Anemia can trigger a sudden onset of dizziness and sweating.
Profuse sweating and dizziness maybe because of the failure of the heart to pump blood at a high rate so that it can reach the head. Blood pressure may fall because of various forms of heart diseases like blocked vessels or blood clots in vital body parts like lungs.
Other symptoms of low blood pressure include vomiting, shortness of breath and nausea.
You could also be sweating profusely, feeling dizzy and nauseous because of taking too much coffee. Some people can tolerate more caffeine in their system than others; you could be in that category of others.