Excessive and uncontrollable hand or palm-sweating, also known as is called palmar hyperhidrosis can be embarrassing, stressing and confidence-wrecking condition.
People with sweaty hands have been known to be very choosy when it comes to work; they often choose jobs that have minimal paperwork and little or no human interaction because nobody is a big fan of slippery handshakes. We all know that such kind of jobs are hard to find, they, therefore, end up frustrated.
Hands can be so drenched that it becomes difficult to turn a doorknob or even use a computer. This just makes life living hell.
What these guys don’t understand is that there are several solutions for palmar hyperhidrosis. Let us look at its causes as well as some of the ways to prevent it.
Before I give you solutions and tips on how to stop sweaty hands, allow me to first point out the causes of this rare but embarrassing condition.
There are several ways on how you can get rid of the excessive sweating from your hands and lead a normal life.
Here are some natural sweaty hands treatment
Any person who has had a sweating problem has at one time tried an antiperspirant. The same applies to palms. Antiperspirants are preferred by most individuals because they are easy to use and in-expensive as compared to other methods.
Antiperspirants are available in many strengths ranging from over the counter products to prescriptions by a dermatologist.
The best antiperspirant for sweaty hands should be able to minimize irritation. Ensure you apply the antiperspirant on completely dry hands especially at night before bed.
Iontophoresis is a form of sweaty hands cure that reduces palmer hyperhidrosis by more than 81 per cent. The procedure involves using water to send an electric current under the skin, which temporarily prevents perspiration from occurring.
The hands are submerged in water while electrical current is sent through the water by an iontophoresis machine. A tingling sensation may be felt, but the procedure is painless.
The initial cost of an iontophoresis machine could be very pricey but relatively reasonable when you realize that the device lasts for many years. The machine can also be used by several members of the family.
It is important to get the advice of a qualified medical professional about the type of iontophoresis machine.
Botox injections block the nerves that produce sweat and is therefore an option for people suffering from hyperhidrosis. OnabotulinumtoxinA is a natural, purified protein with the ability to temporarily block the secretion of the chemical that is responsible for turning on the body’s sweat glands.
Botox treatment is more effective when administered by a professional who has received special training from the International Hyperhidrosis Society. The side effect of a Botox injection is that it is very painful.
This is often the last sweaty hands treatment. It’s often tried when all the other options have failed. It involves a small surgery where nerve signals to the sweat glands are interfered with to stop hyperhidrosis in the affected area.
ETS is considered a last resort because it frequently causes irreversible compensatory sweating in other parts of the body as well as other effects like hypotension and heat intolerance.