You want to tie your hair into a ponytail but there is a mane of frizzy flying away at your face. It’s annoying, although sometimes it can be great. They are cute in a way but can drive you nuts especially if you want a neat hairdo. The baby hairs are too short to get pinned down with the rest, during styling, and those long enough always manage to spring back up. It’s like they have a mind of their own.
They are found on your hairline in the front and there are different ways to style them and still look great.
There are several reasons as to why you have them. They include:
1. Genetics
The reason you have them could be genetics. Your family has a history of getting them especially if you are African, Asian or Latin. Human hair grows in a natural process and occurs in three phases: the anagen, catagen, and telogen. If any inhibitions happen at the anagen phase, then full growth is affected leading to the production of different lengths and a fine texture.
2. Hormonal imbalances
This happens especially during pregnancy. The gush of hormones at this time results in rapid growth with very little loss. After birth, the hormones shift stunting the process growth. This results in short ones with a slippery texture on the hairline. The increase in testosterone during pregnancy causes an increased growth on the hairline.
3. Breakage
Some hairstyles pull it and trigger hair loss. This causes breakage along the hairline leading to the development of baby hairs. This can also be caused by brushing it the wrong way, combing too hard or excessive blow-drying.
New growth
Your hair could be growing and this can be the phase before it gets long enough to be held in a perfect ponytail.
Except for the headache of ruining perfect hairdo’s, taming it important because of it:
You can tame that flyaway using several methods including:
1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil has stimulating properties and can be applied overnight to stimulate hair growth and reduce breakage. It allows it to grow even with the same texture thus reducing them.
2. Use a toothbrush
Spray some amount of strong hairspray on the toothbrush then use it to comb hairline.
You can also spray some water on the toothbrush then comb them down while making sure you don’t take out too much. Take some styling gel and dab it towards their roots. After this, take the brush and style them by curving the ends.
3. Mascara
Clear mascara helps smoothen their edges. It links them to the other hair. Be cautious and don’t use it excessively as it could cause these flyaways to separate from the rest and create a weird look.
4. Apply oil
Apply olive and almond oil gently to help hold it in place after trying it. You can also make sure that you oil your baby hairs as you oil the rest of the hair. Oiling will make them grow faster.
5. Hairstyles
A messy hairdo will be a great choice if they are unruly. It looks great on you and them to look like part of the hairdo. This lazy girl trick will look good on you. You can do a messy ponytail, messy bun or messy braid and these hairs will fit right with your look.
Hairstyles you apply should not pull back it completely. This will prevent breakage which could lead to their formation.
6. Make them wet
Wet your hands, run them through the baby hairs and set them straight.
Another option is to wash the hairline or wet it with a mist bottle before styling it. You don’t have to wash all the of it, tie back the rest of the hair into a ponytail and use a washcloth to wet the ones along your hairline. When drying them, use your fingers to grip them. “Hold the hair taut between your index and middle fingers and pull from the scalp about one or two inches,” says Eva Scrivo, a salon owner.
Find a concentrated nozzle attachment and use it to aim hot air onto the frizzy baby hairs while pulling it gently through your fingers. Take care not to burn your fingers. “Work in intervals. Three seconds of direct heat, then move the dryer away for three seconds of no heat,” she says.
Alternate between hot and cool to protect them being fragile from burning. After this, they will be curly. Use a toothbrush to mist the bristles, do not use too much, then gently comb the tiny baby hairs into place.
If those on your hairline completely refuse to adhere to any of the above options, then there are other techniques available.
These methods involve the complete removal of hair from the skin surface. They include:
1. Shaving
This is an easy method although it’s very demanding. It involves using shaving cream and a razor. Use cautiously to avoid cutting the skin and causing infections.
2. Use hair removal cream
There are many removal creams you can use. The chemicals in the cream melt and eliminate the hair. This method is easy and fast but can cause skin sensitivity and irritations. It can also trigger hair growth on other parts of the body.
3. Deplaning
Similar to shaving, this method involves the professional use of a sharp razor to remove them while working very close to the skin.
4. Epilation
These methods involve working on the hair under the skin surface by targeting the root and follicle directly. These methods include:
5. Waxing
Waxing strips plus hot wax is applied to the skin surface. This works best if your hair is dark but maybe a challenge if it is fuzzy since it’s slippery and too fine. People with sensitive scalps should also avoid this method especially if you are dandruff prone. If the wax touches your hairline, it may increase sensitivity to the skin and cause damage to the hairline.
6. Tweezing
Sterilized tweezers are used to pluck baby hairs from their roots. The process, though time-consuming, slows down their growth.
7. Threading
The thread that is intertwined to form an ‘X’ shape is used to trap and uproot them. The process is painful and time-consuming. It also irritates the skin.
You can tame your baby hairs using sugar concoctions. This creates a rough ingredient that creates friction when rubbed against hair strands to remove them. The recipes include:
1. Sugar and lemon
Mix three tablespoons of sugar with a few lemon juice drops and mix them with water to make a paste. Clean your forehead, apply the mixture to it and leave it to dry for fifteen minutes. Wash the forehead with cold water then use a clean towel to pat the forehead dry. Do this twice a week for effective results.
2. Egg, sugar, cornflour
Create a facemask using egg white, cornflour, and sugar. Apply the mask then peel it off after 20 minutes. Peel the mask off in the opposite direction of hair growth to aid in plucking the roots off. Do this after every two days.
3. Honey plus lemon juice
Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly. Clean the forehead, sides of the hairline and nape of the neck. Apply the mixture from the opposite direction of hair growth. Rinse with cold water after fifteen minutes of letting it dry.
Another natural method to use is yogurt. Mix two tablespoons of water with yogurt and add a pinch of turmeric powder. Add to the mixture a quarter gram of flour. Apply the mixture and leave it on for 15 minutes. Peel the mask in the opposite direction of growth and wash with lukewarm water. Do this twice a week.
These methods completely get rid of them. The hair follicles and roots are destroyed making their growth impossible. These methods are expensive and should be done with caution.
1. Laser removal
The process is non-invasive. It involves lasers, which produce light that is later converted to heat energy. This heat penetrates the melanocytes and follicles to kill the toot. This method ensures complete inhibition growth.
This method works best with dark baby hairs and may not effectively remove lightly colored or peachy fuzzy hair. This is because it only targets pigmented hairs for destruction.
Six to eight treatments are recommended for effective results and are performed every two or three months. This method may cause abnormal hair growth to surround follicles due to the heat the laser produces.
Kim Kardashian lasered hers because photographers used to Photoshop them out of her pictures. They also caused her breakouts.
2. Electrolysis
This method can be used for various hair and skin types. It permanently destroys them. Electric charges are applied to each shaft to destroy the follicle and root. It’s time-consuming but very effective.
There are risks associated with electrolysis including ingrown hairs, increased hair growth, and skin pigmentation.