These are things you can find in your kitchen, or if you buy, would still end up in your kitchen. Why is this amazing? Hair time can be snack time. Multitasking galore! After your wash, refer to this guide.
Olive oil helps everything and I’ve never known an egg to be useless either.
Who told you eggs were just for eating? Delicious as they are, they also destroy bacteria and remove unwelcome oils from your hair. How? The egg yolk has plenty of fats and proteins AND is certainly moisturizing. The egg whites then have those bacteria-killing enzymes.
Olive oil, on the other hand, acts an emollient. An emollient is that thing you want in your lip balm and your hair. It locks in moisture like a jailer locks up his inmates.
For smooth hair and model shine.
Acetic acid and a similar pH level to human hair make apple cider vinegar amazing for frizzy manes. If you have oily hair, a consistent rinse with vinegar will leave your scalp at the right level of acidity.
Generally depending on your hair type. Super thin one means using this cleanse less, whereas, thicker one allows for use once or twice a week.
Regular water? For your special self, and your wild mane? I think not!
Glad you asked. It’s all about that PH level in carbonated water. It has a low PH which reduces frizz. Or so they say. Feel free to go around and check for yourself.
A few times a week should you feel the need.
Note: No need to waste money on carbonated water. Regular water works just fine, it has been the giver of life all this time anyway. Also, there are so many more options.
Useful before and after a night out.
Fun nights, bad decisions, and a well-earned potbelly is not all beer is good for. It is also great for your hair.
Mainly because beer is always nice but also actual reasons. First, the malt in beer is full of proteins that are a joy for your hair. Beer likewise has more minerals, vitamins, and nutrients than I am willing to get into, and/or understand.
So, what does beer do?
The way of least effort:
The way of a little more effort
The measured way
A couple of times a week
Because avocado is goodness in every way. It is good with sugar, salt or chili. It is guacamole deliciousness and it has just the right fatty acids that hydrate your hair.
Avocado and olive oil
Avocado and mayo
Once or twice a week, have some fun
A funny song about uncle Obama and banana’s
Perfect if you want your hair to grow, mash some bananas. Potassium, calcium, natural oils and carbohydrates increase its health, allowing it to grow. It increases moisture and takes away dullness, giving it a nice shine. Reviews also rave about how soft your hair feels after.
A few times a week.
Note: probably best to use on a relaxing night in just in case some bits get stuck in your hair. You don’t want to be a banana hair girl.
Tastes good in tea and your hair likes it too.
Let’s consider what frizz is. It is caused when the cuticles in your hair shaft are raised. This means that the moisture from your hair seeps out. Honey and lemon work well together to clean the grime. Clean? Yes, please. The honey works to condition it.
Want highlights but not willing to sell your right arm for it? The lemon and honey both work to do that.
Once every two weeks
Note: Condition it regularly when using this hair mask.
If you have no lemon, just mix 2tbsp honey and 2 cups of water.
if you have the whole coconut, you get a snack too.
As with all the rest, coconut milk is rather beneficial for your hair. It moisturizes from the roots to the tips.
Up to two times a week.
This is like the holy grail for hair.
It works for literally every type of hair and can use any oil. The oil treatments work to further infuse these oils into your curls.
Once a week, especially in colder areas
There are so many different things you can do with your hair. There are certainly enough options straight from your kitchen. The thing is to find what works best for you.