

Understanding Frizzy Hair, When Does It Frizz and Types of Frizz

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Frizzy hair is quite possibly a curse. It demands attention and forbearance that even Job did not have. It takes time and clogs showers. If you have it, it is never wise to assume you will look the same an hour after leaving the house. In fact, your hair is likely standing up straight or bits of it flying with the wind in all directions.

Frizzy hair types and when does it frizz

How does it look like?

When does it frizz?

All the time. Literally. Sleep, wake up, walk outside, and so on. It will happen even if you straighten hair and then walk outside, say inside. Also, it will frizz whether wash or you don’t wash it. Literally just be by being alive, this happens.

So what is it that makes it frizzy? This article aims to understand the meaning is and the types of frizzy hair that exist.

We cant have everything
We can’t have everything 

What is frizzy hair?

Wild locks, like a wild heart, is hard to tame. But before we attempt to try, let us understand what it actually is.

“Frizz occurs when the cuticle layer of your hair is raised, allowing moisture to pass through and swell the strands. As a result, your hair appears dry and frizzy instead of smooth and defined.”

Mo knows hair

When does it frizz

In simpler terms, it is when your hair lacks moisture, and/or is already naturally dry. If you have a curly type, it is more likely to frizz. Sorry curly-haired dames, it’s a hard life. The curly is more inclined to frizzing for obvious reasons, but also because of dehydration. “Curly hair is much drier than straight hair”

We all remember Monica’s struggles. Humidity basically affects your locks like this:

  • You go out with dry hair, the air is humid and full of moisture and it is insanely thirsty and it tries to gobble up as much moisture as possible.
  • You end up looking like something between the lion king and Frankenstein

Now you know what happens when you go outside. Note, Monica did not let that frizzy hair stop her from… anything and neither should you.


Did you know that there are different types of frizz? I certainly didn’t! Anyway, it’s true, there are. You must be thinking, “what difference does it make?” but it is important to know what type you are dealing with so as to find the right treatment for it. Natural Curly tells us all about it:

1. Surface frizz

This typically occurs due to the is dryness on the outer layers or the surface. This means that the layers below are not as dry. It is found often with curly hair in humid climates. “If you live in a humid climate, you probably deal with this all the time since humidity can definitely “activate” surface frizz.”

Surface Frizz
Surface- Source:Google

2. Poof ball

Is exactly what it sounds like. “Curls are nearly unrecognizable once they’ve reached this state.” If you are walking around looking like a poof ball, then you have a poof ball frizz and you are a mess.

Proof Ball Frizz
Proof Ball – Source:Pinterest

3. Spider web

If there is too much wind, you are likely to end up with a spider web type. Basically, the top of your hair is frizzy and “Different strands of hair separate from one another, creating a “web” look on its surface.”

Spider web Frizz
Spider web: Source Imjur

4. Halo frizz

Maybe in the right lighting, it would make you look like an angel, but when you just have your hair centered “at the crown of your head,” you look a couple of kinds of crazy.

Halo Frizz
Halo: Source-

5. In-the-curls frizz

You can already guess what this is, it occurs in your curls. But it doesn’t affect all your curls, just some of them, leaving you 50-50 looking great and looking crazy.

In the curls Frizz
In the curls Image source – hairstyle camp

6. Dry frizz

This is when your hair is extremely dry. It looks dry, it feels dry, it is dry.

Dry frizz
Katrina Ellis

There are a few other types you can read about at Natural Curly. However, I hope you have got a better understanding of what frizzy hair is and what types there are. Whatever your hair type may be, remember, frizz is caused by dryness and a lack of moisture so keep it hydrated. Good luck!

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