

Men Frizzy Hair Treatment Solutions, Remedies and Best Hairstyles

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Research by Yale University revealed something very unusual about men. The study suggested that men who are not happy with their hair tend to be less sociable than their colleagues who have sorted or good locks. The study confirmed the fact that hair affects’ more than just a man’s appearance.

Frizzy hair in men solutions, hairstyles, and remedies
Frizzy Hair Listening to music at Trafalgar Square © Garry Knight Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

We all handle challenges every day but there are those men who handle bigger challenges than others. One category that comes to my mind for the latter group is that of men who must deal with the frizz each morning.

Most guys with wavy frizzy hair find this a very big challenge and opt to do away with it by just shaving. Even though this is the easiest way out, maintaining your curls is not very hard. All you need is to tame them to maintain that groomed look.

Solutions that men should consider

1. Avoid Shampoo

Most people believe that because of the frizziness is caused by moisture losses, the best solution would be to frequently wash it with shampoo. The opposite is true.

Shampoos wash away the natural oil that your scalp secretes thus making your hair frizzy, so avoiding them is a rational way of getting read of the curly frizzes. Plain water and small amounts of the right conditioners can optimally clean it.

But if you must use shampoo, ensure it’s the one specialized for curly haired men. The best shampoo for frizzy hair should be one that nourishes and moisturizes it.

2. Do not brush it

Brushing your hair, especially with hairbrushes strips away the natural scalp oil and damages its shape and scalp. This is something men with frizzy hair should avoid. If you must style your mane, then use your fingers. Your fingers

Take warm showers

Taking a shower with mild water is ideal for your hair because it will allow you to run your fingers smoothly through your curls. This is because very hot water can damage it while too cold water is irritating if it is frizzy.

3. Keep it moisturized

The most basic way to fight frizz is to ensure your hair does not dry up. You can use a leave-in conditioner after your bathes and cleaning it. The conditioner helps seal in the water used to bathe as well as moisture from the environment. The conditioner works wonders when applied it while it is still damp.

4. Ditch the hair gels

Most of these gel products are here to make money. The earlier you understand this the better. Most of these styling products are designed in such a way that your hair dries up once they wear off. The rationale behind this is to make you go back to the shops and buy more. Because you need more to keep it from drying.

Mixing some products can work well for those who insist on buying them.

5. Keep it short

Another frizzy hair remedy is to keep it short. Longer ones make it hard for natural oils secreted by the scalp to reach the tip of the hair. These leave it wavy and frizzy. Keeping it short will also ensure enough air circulation thus maintaining your freshness.

Hairstyles when frizzy and curly or wavy

While it is difficult to tame, it can give you numerous and endless styling possibilities.  Some of the factors to consider when looking for a good hairstyle or cut are; its length, shape of your head and type of hair. There are boundless hairstyles for locks that have frizz

One of the most popular haircuts for curly hair men is curly undercut. In this style you, you shorten it on the sides and keep a longer length on top of your head. To achieve this, use a longer clipper.

You can lightly rub some pomade on your curls to keep them neat and glossy. You can check some more hairstyles and cuts

Home remedies

There are several natural products to treat dry and frizzy hair in men. I will just take you through one method here.

Ingredients; one mashed banana, one tablespoonful of honey, two tablespoons of olive oil.


  • Add the one tablespoon of honey to the mashed banana and mix well. Add two spoons of olive oil to the mixture and continue mixing.
  • Apply it and leave it for up to 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. The results will be amazing.
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