Most ladies will automatically switch to defensive mode immediately you start the mood swings in women debate. Some find it derogatory while others see it as a sexist insult. And yet it is just a topic that we cannot push away. Research shows that at least one in every four women has suffered from mood swings.
The problem is that majority of these women don’t know they this disorder that needs attention. They leave those around them to suffer in silence. Can you imagine how your man feels when one minute you are telling him how you love being around him and the next minute you say you hate it?
Why does it happen
Check out the following signs. As I said earlier, you might be having this problem, but you don’t know what you are dealing with.
There are several causes for this issue in women. But all of them are associated with the hormonal changes during the different stages of their lives.
Girls always reach puberty early and with it comes mood swings before even they know it. The reason for this is that the hormones that trigger physical changes such as breast development and menstruation also have emotional and mental effects on young girls.
The puberty changes may also be overwhelming for some girls thus triggering this problem. Puberty is also a stage of transition between childhood and adulthood. Your young girl may suffer from anxiety mood swings due to that.
Premenstrual syndrome or simply PMS is a condition that affects a big number of women. It involves physical and emotional symptoms that occur to a woman in one to two weeks before the start of her menses. In fact, most people believe that complaining about changes in your moods is another way of saying you are in your period.
The symptoms of PMS include trouble concentrating, withdrawal and anxiety. The symptoms always go away within three days after your period.
Women who have severe PMS mood swings are said to have a premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
This issue can also be a sign that you are pregnant. You may feel rapid changes in mood during early stages of pregnancy which can sometimes make you cry without knowing why. This is because of the hormonal level changes taking place in your body which can affect your level of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that regulate mood. Fatigue and changes in metabolism can also cause mood swings during pregnancy.
During the transition to menopause, most women often experience aggression, stress, anxiety, irritability and sometimes difficulties in concentrating. All these are generally called menopausal mood swings.
This is one of the most common symptoms of menopause and is caused by fluctuating levels of serotonin, the hormone responsible for happiness. Serotonin also helps fight anxiety and depression. Low levels can lead to lack of sleep and panic attack.
Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression is a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings that include periods of depression and periods of elevated mood. The elevated mood is called mania and hypomania. Sadness and loss of interest are some of the characteristics of the depression period. You may feel euphoric and full of energy when your moods switch to mania.
It is a rare condition that can affect sleep and the ability to think clearly.
Other causes in women are stress, depression and alcohol consumption and drug abuse.
This abrupt and unaccountable change of state of mind is annoying, but the good thing is they can be managed. Here are some ways in which you can get over the irritation and lead a normal life.
Research shows engaging in exercises reduces anger, confusion, fatigue, tension and vigor. Exercises like yoga, walking, and meditation has a calming effect on, the body and may be a good cure for this problem and irritability.
Tulsi, ginger and chamomile teas also have a calming effect on the body and help keep your moods in check. Take this tea and kick the stubborn swings away.
Sleep and mood are closely related. Inadequate sleep often worsens the symptoms of Bipolar disorder. Ensure you have enough sleep every day to keep this disorder away.
Stress is among the major causes. Work on the causes of your stress before it sends you to an early grave. You should also stop worrying about the future or regret about the past; the two are the reasons why you are unhappy today.
People who don’t have a proper routine are more prone to suffer from this emotional disorder than those who do. Keeping a regular schedule or just having a regular morning ritual may stabilize your moods and keep your day going. You should, therefore, establish a ritual and stick by it. Some of the things you should consider are waking up early, exercises and having proper breakfast every morning.
Caffeine increases anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia while alcohol is a depressant, therefore, cutting down on them will reduce the symptoms you may be having.
Most studies show that sperm is a natural mood enhancer for women. Another research claims that the release of orgasms has a calming effect. Having an active sex life will also guarantee you a sound sleep. A study from the State University of New York suggests that semen acts as an antidepressant. Females in the study who were having sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than those who used condoms or abstained (before having unprotected sex, be ready to accept the dangers associated with it).
Therapy sessions are recommended for long time care and treatment of mood swings in women. A doctor will recommend mood stabilizers if your problem interferes with normal functioning of the victim. Stabilizers may cause a person to feel no emotion at all.