

Causes and How to Unclog Clogged Nose Pores

Clogged nose pores - whiteheads or blackheads causes

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The human skin has small pores that are essential in aiding excretion of toxins and as well as wicking sebum oils to its surface to keep it supple. Additionally, these pores allow circulation of air, in and out of the skin. Therefore, they are an important component of a healthy skin.

Imagine a scenario where these pores which are supposed to be open get clogged? Although it is an undesirable happening, it is a common problem that affects many people. A clogged hair follicle pore is known as comedone.

Clogged nose pores - whiteheads or blackheads causes

Why are the pores on my nose clogged?

The clogging mainly affects areas around the face, chin, nose, and around the mouth. Why does it happen on pores on these areas? The answer is simple, these areas are very big to have many and bigger skin pores. Therefore, dirt and sebum get trapped in them. As a result, they get blocked.

How skin pores work

Skin pores always where there is hair. This, therefore means that every hair comes along with a corresponding pore. You can see it if you take a close look at your skin.

It is estimated that every human being has approximately 5 million hairs. This means that you have the same number of pores, perhaps too many for you to see them. They are essential in eliminating oil, sweat, and toxins from the body. They also allow ventilation.

In this regard, it is quite clear that these tiny openings are very important. What would happen, therefore, if they get plugged? It means that all of the above processes are inhibited. This is the reason why clogged pores manifest either in the form of blackheads, whiteheads which can later lead to other forms of acne.

Why on the nose?

As already mentioned, the areas around the face, including the nose, chin, and mouth, are the primary victims of this clogging. This, therefore, explains why pimples are more likely to appear on the face region. Why is this so?

Plugging of pores on the face are mainly attributed to overproduction of sebum. This overproduction is stimulated by many factors, most of which are preventable.

Such factors include:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Smoking
  • Skin disease
  • Stress
  • The existence of large pores on the nose
  • Poor digestion of food

Common Types of clogged pores on nose

Understanding the comedone types is the first step towards seeking the right treatment. Normally, they are grouped based on their size and their nature of appearance. This, therefore, plugged pores are grouped into three. These include:


These are open comedones. If you closely look at them, they are always open and yellow in color. If clogged, blackheads accumulate keratin and sebum.

Their open nature traps a lot of dirt particles. This causes clogging although it remains partially open. The sebum them gets oxidized, thus making them appear black in color. That is why they are called blackheads.


These are closed comedones. This means that they are always closed, and do not allow accumulation of dirt. The clogging is mainly because of overproduction of sebum.

Since there is no oxidation, they on the nose are white in color. The bad thing about them is the fact that they are completely blocked.


Unlike the whiteheads and blackheads, microcomedones are very small. In most cases, you can’t see them. However, they contain sebum that clogs them.

In most instances, the microcomedones later become blackheads or whiteheads, if left untreated.

Why do pores on nose clog?

Clogged pores on nose are usually very conspicuous. It is unfortunate that there is no way you can cover your nose to hide them. Generally, these comedones can lower our self-esteem, especially among women.

You should, in this case, start by understanding the causes before researching the best way to unclog them, or the best products to unclog these comedones. highlights that most of these causes are indeed preventable

These causes include:

Hormonal Imbalance

This is common during puberty and pregnancy. During this time, excessive production of hormones results in an increased production of sebum. As earlier notes, overproduction of sebum is the leading cause of comedones on the nose.


Smoking has also been noted to cause this problem. You very well understand that the nose is near the mouth. This explains why clogged pores are common around the mouth, chin, and nose.

You will agree with me that the skin is very sensitive. During smoking, smoke and heat irritate the skin. As a result, the pores get closed, blocked and clogged.

Skin diseases and conditions

Maybe your comedones in this area are because of a skin condition. Generally, some skin diseases such as acne and ingrown hair can be responsible. It is possible to unclog pores in such cases by going for the right treatment.


Did you know that stress comes along with stress hormones? Yes, when you are stressed up, the body produces a lot of stress hormones.

Overproduction of these hormones stimulates the sebaceous glands to overproduce sebum. This leads to blocked pores on nose.

The existence of large open pores

As earlier noted, some people just have large open pores. Because of their size and an open state, they trap a lot of dirt. When this dirt mixes with sweat and sebum, they on nose get clogged.

Poor digestion of food

We all know that the beauty of your skin is closely related to what you eat. Any stomach issue is primarily manifested in the skin. What does this tell you? Indigestion issues affect the pores on your skin. In fact, dysfunctional digestive system one of the causes of comedones including on your nose.

6 Effective home remedies to clogged pores on nose

Having clogged pores on the nose is treatable and preventable. There are numerous prevention measures that one can adopt. Furthermore, there are many also home remedies.

Some of the top 6 home remedies that can work for you include:

You can use an egg mask

This can be done by following the procedures below:

  1. Thoroughly wash your face
  2. Prepare egg white in a bowl
  3. Evenly smear the white egg substance on your face and leave it for ten minutes.
  4. Cleanse it off

Use a mixture of egg white, milk, and aloe vera

This home remedy also works miracles as far as unclogging pores is concerned. All you need is milk, Aloe Vera, and eggs. Follow the procedure below.

  1. Break the eggs in a bowl
  2. Add some milk and continue stirring
  3. Add some Aloe Vera to the mixture and thoroughly stir
  4. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it for 30 minutes.
  5. Wash it off.

Use honey alone

Did you know that honey is a natural medicine? In fact, honey is one of the best home remedies for blocked comedones on your nose. Smear some honey on the affected areas twice a day. Within 7 days, the pores will unclog.

Use honey, olive oil, and yogurt

These are readily available natural components. All you need is honey, olive oil, and yogurt.

  1. Wash and dry your face
  2. Mix honey, olive oil, and yogurt and leave the mixture for 20 minutes
  3. Smear the mixture on the affected areas.
  4. Wash your face
  5. Repeat a few times a day.

What about baking soda?

Baking soda is one of the best exfoliation agents that you can come across. Generally, baking soda’s basic properties make it effective in opening comedones anywhere on your body. It also regulates the skin’s PH, thus preventing pimples.

Use lemon juice, salt, and honey

These are also home remedies that one can easily afford. All you need is some honey, salt, and lemons.

  1. Squeeze some lemons to get lemon juice
  2. Add some honey and salt to the juice and stir. Leave the mixture for some time.
  3. Smear the mixture on your face leave it for some minutes
  4. Repeat the exercise two times a day for at least seven to fourteen days.
  5. The pores will finally unclog.


  1. com The top four causes of clogged pores
  2. Acne (Pimples)
  3. Stress Management
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