

Pimples on Genitals or STDs – Causes and Cures

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The appearance of pimples on someone’s genital area can so be depressing. For many people, especially women, having a pimple on their vagina or vulvar area is something that will cause them lots of worries since they will assume it is an STD or something worse. Men will also feel the same way too if they saw zits on their genital area. 

Do not be scared for noticing or having a pimple on the pubic area, whether male or female is a normal thing. Our private parts can also have acne since they have pores that can be clogged! Furthermore, acne in these areas might be an indication of a minor irritation. In such a case, the pimples will appear for a few days and later disappear on their own.

This tells you that pimples in the genital area shouldn’t cause much alarm. The genital areas are senstive. Therefore, a minor irritation, such as sweating, might cause some zits to form.

What if it’s an STD?

For many women, having itchy bumps on vaginal lips (labia) are taken to be an STI. This is quite wrong. The itchy or painful pimple-like bump could be normal acne. Acne in this area not an indication of sexually transmitted infection.

According to, it is normal for one to confuse genital pimples with STI symptoms. Generally, those resulting from an STI are unique. They have the following symptoms:

  • These bumps or pimples appear in patches
  • Sometimes they seem like blisters
  • They may look like warts, i.e., if they are genital warts
  • They may be pus-filled
  • They often come along with sores, lesions, and rashes

Common areas to find them

Women will often complain of pimples on their vagina lips (labia), groin or vulvar area in general. On the other hand, men may end up with these zits on their balls and groin area. It is rare for men to complain of penis pimples.

What causes genital pimples?

Not all pimples on your private parts are acne. Some may be ingrown hairs, i.e., if one complains of pimples on their genital area after shaving or actual acne that may include papules, pustules, whiteheads and blackheads on the groin area.

According to Wikipedia genital zits are normal but are mainly confused with STI symptoms such as herpes simplex virus. Generally, these zits and bumps in these areas are attributed to the following risk factors:

It is acne

Acne forms when excess sebum combines with dead skin cells and at times bacteria naturally found in the skin to form a plug inside your sebaceous gland on your skin pore.

If the bacteria multiply, an infection may occur, and the clogged pore will be inflamed, swell and be pus-filled with a white tip. This is how a pimple is formed.

Many thighs can trigger pimple formation including hormonal imbalance, excess sebum production, stress, skin care products, general body care among many others.

It might be folliculitis

Folliculitis comes from the term hair follicle. A hair follicle is the hair root that is buried in the skin. In some cases, the ones around the genitals may get infected. As a result, one experiences some pimples alongside other symptoms.

Other symptoms might include:

  • Numerous pustules around the affected follicle
  • The skin becomes extremely red
  • You may also develop some rashes all over your genitals
  • Severe itching
  • The skin around your genitals become crusty

Folliculitis is a common skin problem among men and women. If the bumps on your genitals are accompanied by the symptoms above, then the condition might be folliculitis. Generally, folliculitis is attributed to the following risk factors:

  • Having very curly hair
  • Some hairs coiling back and becoming ingrown hair
  • Wrong shaving techniques


The most common type of dermatitis that causes pimples on the genitals is contact dermatitis. This condition is closely related to contact. For instance, the skin around your genitals encountered something that irritated it.

The skin around this area is very sensitive, as earlier noted, is very sensitive. Allergic reactions, in this regard, are widespread. According to Mayo Clinic, this condition is hugely attributed to skin irritation from:

  • Underwear and sanitary towels
  • Soaps that have strong fragrances
  • Deodorants and some perfumes or powders
  • Substances used in sexual arousal, condoms and even vaginal lubricants
  • Your skin might also react to sweat, semen, urine and vaginal discharge

Viral or Fungal Infections

In some cases, the skin around your genitals might have a viral or fungal infection. Do not confuse these with STIs. Commonly, viral and fungal infections attack the outer skin, the epidermis.

The most common viral infection that results in these bumps on the genitals is molluscum contagious. Some people call it water warts. This disease can attack any body part, including the genitals. When it involves this area, it comes along with numerous pimples.

The condition can affect other parts of the body, including the legs, armpits, face, and torso. However, you shouldn’t get worried as the condition heals by itself within a week or so. If it doesn’t heal, topical ointments can easily eliminate resulting bumps.

Fungal infections can also result in scaling, an itchy red rash which may have some bumps that resemble pimples.

Sweat gland infection

Clothes always cover the genitals. This tells you that a lot of sweating takes place in the pubic area. What would happen if the sweat glands are infected in this area?

In some cases, the sweat glands get infected. The most common infection that targets the sweat glands is hidradenitis suppurativa.

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a leading cause of pimples on private parts in females and males. This condition will mainly manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Painless pimples on vagina, penis or groin area
  • It may look like deep acne
  • The zits may appear like blackheads
  • In some instances, the condition may look like folliculitis
  • You may also see some boils in the pubic area

How to treat or cure pimples on genitals

How do you remove pimples on your genitals? This is a common question among many people. Pimples on the pubic area or private parts for male or and female are treatable.

Which is the best way to get rid of pimples these zits them? According to on they can be eliminated through the adoption of the following practices:

  1. Don’t touch them. This sounds crazy, but it works. If they are not because of a serious infection, they will fade off on their own within a few days or weeks. However, they will get worse if you pop them out. In fact, they will get infected if you constantly keep on touching them.
  2. Use topical antibiotics. This medication is mainly to kill bacteria in your pubic area and reduce chances of your zits being infected or newly infected ones being formed. Oral antibiotics can make the pimples go away within a short time.
  3. Topical ointments. In case of allergic-related breakouts, topical ointments can help. Generally, these ointments relieve the itching while drying the pimples. However, don’t use over-the-counter ointments. They should be prescribed by a physician only.
  4. Avoid some substances. In case of contact dermatitis, you should check on what is irritating. It might be the sanitary towels, soap, inner wears or any other thing. Avoiding the irritant will consequently heal the pimples within a short while.
  5. Creams and lotions. Some cases resulting from acne or ingrown hair may need specific lotion or cream treat and dry them.
  6. Pimple extractor. With the modern technologies, there are pimple extractors. These are carefully designed devices to extract zits, especially on genitals. Other people will use exfoliation as an option. In extreme cases, laser treatment is used.

How do you prevent genital pimples?

Did you know that most pimples on genitals are preventable? In fact, identifying their primary cause is the first step towards preventing them. How do you do this?

  • Always wear loose clothes and avoid tight ones. This is effective in reducing irritation resulting from rigorous rubbing between the clothes and the genitals. It will also reduce groin chafing.
  • Always leave the pimples alone. Resist the temptation of touching them. Don’t even pop them out.
  • Avoid inner wears made of synthetic material. Instead, consider using cotton ones. The pubic area is may be allergic to synthetic fabrics.
  • Avoid strong scented soaps and fragrances. Strong scent is known to irritate the groin area.
  • Checking your shaving practices. Many people complain of pimples on vagina after shaving whereas their poor shaving technique is to blame. Always use sharp razors, shave in the direction of your hair and always shave gently. Furthermore, consider using shaving creams, lotions, and other hair removal techniques.


  1. Folliculitis
  2. Contact Dermatitis
  3. Molluscum contagiosum
  4. Hidradenitis suppurativa
  5. Pimple on Penis
  6. Why Do Vaginal Pimples Form?
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