Some people refer to this condition as drooping eyelids. It is a scenario when the skin around your eyelids become wrinkled and appear saggy. Medically, the problem is known as blepharoptosis or simply ptosis.
If you have this condition, the upper eyelid falls below its normal position. In extreme cases, it droops to the extent that one cannot see. The lower one will also sag. This problem is usually associated with age. However, other factors have a role in it.
After and before treatment
For the aged, sagging eyelids is an expected occurrence. It is, in fact, one of the many symptoms of aging. However, the problem is never welcome among the youth. If you are having this problem, it is definite that it significantly affects how you look. You look older.
To some people, this sagging is a frequent occurrence. The condition may come and go. For others, the condition is ever there. Don’t worry if you have a droopy eyelid. Today, there are many treatment options for the condition. Some of them are hospital-based, while others are home-based remedies.
The condition might appear in one eye or both. However, it may not be a serious problem. You are, however, advised to visit a doctor, especially if it occurs in your youthful years.
While this condition may be a sign of aging or any other minor aspect of your eyes, the condition may also be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Harvard Medical School highlights that the condition is natural for some people and serious in others. The problem is considered serious, especially if it interferes with your vision.
Below are the common causes:
If you are over 40 years, then don’t be surprised if you experience drooping lower or upper eyelid. Eyelidslift.com notes that aging is the leading cause of saggy eyelids, especially among women and men too.
As you age, the skin around this area gets wrinkled, thus losing elasticity. The levator muscles of your eyelids become excessively stretched. As a result, they become saggy. The condition is commonly referred to as sleepy, lazy or weepy eyes. It makes one look older than he or she is.
However, there are many people who opt for cosmetic surgery for droopy eyes. The surgery is meant to lift the eyelids. However, this surgery may not have much impact as aging is inevitable for everyone. There are many the best anti-aging secrets that can be of much help.
The eye muscles are constantly dependent on nerves. Some health complications, such as stroke, brain tumor, and diabetes, may significantly cause a nerve disorder. When the nerve supply is affected, one is unable to control the eyelids. They, therefore, lose elasticity, thus becoming saggy.
People suffering from Horner Syndrome also experience this problem. However, this is a congenital problem whose cause is unknown. The good thing is, this condition is very rare. The disease is believed to interfere with the sympathetic nerves found on the eyes substantially.
The condition is known as congenital ptosis. This is a common condition among the newborns. It is mainly attributed to underdevelopment of the levator muscle that supports the eyelids. When you close or open your eyes, the levator muscles enable you to do so.
The levator muscles for infants with this condition are dystrophic. Instead of the muscles, victims seem to have fibrous tissue and fat deposits. Therefore, congenital ptosis is believed to be as a result if defects in muscle structure.
Congenital droopy eyes mainly affect one eye. When levator muscle is underdeveloped, it can further lead to vision distortion. The affected one may sag to an extent where vision becomes distorted.
This is a condition that prevails when there is a communication breakdown between the muscles and nerves. As a result of myasthenia gravis, there is general levator muscle weakness. As a result, the eyelids lose their firmness.
Myasthenia gravis does not affect levator muscles alone. It may also affect facial, legs and even arm muscles. The most common symptoms of this condition are drooping eyelids and double vision. Victims may also have trouble walking and talking.
The condition is usually treated with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. In other instances, surgery may be confirmed to remove thymus gland. The good news is, this condition is very rare too.
Any injury causing trauma to your eyes may also affect the levator muscles. An injury may result from accidents or even assault. Have you ever heard of the oculomotor nerve? This is the nerve that connects to the levator muscles. When this nerve is damaged, eyelid firmness is lost. Thus it will be sagging.
This is a common condition today. Dermatochalasis is characterized with excess skin on both upper and lower eyelid. The condition is also known as baggy eyes. Due to the excess skin, victims always have saggy lids.
A baggy eye is a condition caused by loss of elasticity in the muscles or connective tissues supporting the eyelids. As a result, the excess skin hangs down. In some cases, sagging skin may obstruct the eyes such that one cannot see.
Dermatochalasis is treated with blepharoplasty, a surgical procedure aimed at removing the excess skin, muscles and fat deposits.
Before thinking about cosmetic eye surgery or eye lift surgery, visit a doctor to diagnose the actual problem. If ptosis is because of age, then very little can be done regarding it.
In some cases, your doctor may diagnose another problem that requires specialized care. To fully determine what the problem is, the doctor may recommend a computed tomography or an MRI.
Some cases, such as myasthenia gravis, require blood tests to be carried out. The doctor may also conduct a tensilon test. A muscle biopsy, additionally, may be done by the doctor. Once the problem is ascertained, then the right treatment can be administered.
Below are some of the available treatment options for this condition:
According to Mayo Clinic, blepharoplasty is the most common type of surgery carried out to rectify ptosis. A plastic surgeon may conduct an upper lid blepharoplasty or lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The operation involves removal of excess muscles, fat, and skin. However, this type of surgery is associated with the following risks:
However, your doctor will advise you on how to take care of the eyes to reduce the severity of the side effects.
Injectable fillers
These fillers are injected to increase the firmness of the eye muscles, thus reducing sagging. Some of the products injected include Juvederm and Sculptra.
Existing home remedies
Sometimes, you don’t have to go to a hospital. You can get rid of sagging eyelids at home. Some of the products you can use include chamomile tea bags, Aloe Vera lotion, cucumbers, ice water, egg white, and grapes. You will get sufficient information on how each of these remedies will be used and what effect it has.
Many people complain of sagging eyelids, sagging under eyes, sagging upper eyelid or even droopy lid. If you are one of them, take time to read through the causes. After reading just note that ptosis can be corrected through cosmetic eye surgery. The surgery plays an essential role in eyelid tightening.
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