Snoring can be so bothersome that people often want to know how to stop snoring immediately. First, perform a test. Then There are a few general tips you can implement. If those don’t work, there are anti snore devices you can implement.
how to stop it
There are five main types of snorers:
This type is caused when the nasal passages are partially blocked forcing air through the mouth. The forced air then leads to the airway collapsing because of too much pressure. This leads to the vibration that causes snoring.
This can happen as a result of allergies, flu, blocked nose, sinuses or colds. The sound is a low-frequency rumble.
Here is when the tongue blocks airflow when it falls back in the throat. About 50% of snorers are tongue based. Men and those who are overweight usually fall into this category. Alcohol and medications that relax the body also cause tongue-based snoring because they cause the tongue to relax, causing it to fall back even more.
This category of snorer’s has the “stop and start rhythms and the sound is high pitched”.
This is for those who sleep with their mouths open. This usually occurs as a result of blocked nasal passages. When there is not enough oxygen passing through the nose, the body turns to breathing through the mouth to provide it.
However, this type of breathing can lead to infection because the air inhaled is not filtered as it would through the nose.
The position of sleep doesn’t matter but it is worse when on you sleep on your back.
The sound is similar to that of the nasal snorer.
This is also known as palatal snoring. A palatal flutter is where the soft palate and the uvula vibrate. The palate is the soft part of the roof of your mouth near your throat and the uvula is the bit that dangles at the back of the throat. This type is found mostly in those who sleep with their mouths open.
This is a combination of all the other types we have seen. This means that all your snoring organs are working against you, this includes your mouth, nose, palate, and tongue.
When all these things are working to prevent oxygen flow, then medical attention is necessary.
Test and how to stop snoring courtesy of www.dreams.co.uk
Although lying on your back is a sign of openness It is also the main contributor to snoring. When you do this, your tongue slides back and the soft palate in your mouth collapses to the rear of your throat restricting air flow and causing a vibration as the constricted air attempts to pass.
sleeping on your side, however, allows the air to flow easily. Because it’s nearly impossible to change sleeping patterns, you may find that no matter how you try, you always end up on your back.
If you find that this is the case with you, then use a body pillow which is a full-length pillow in a U shape that keeps parallel to your body as you sleep and offers support for your head and neck.
They allow people trying to sleep on their side to easily manage it as they can’t roll onto their back. Thus, keeping the airways open. This is a great way to prevent snoring.
If that is too expensive, then try “taping a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas.” Unorthodox as it may seem, it makes sense because then you really couldn’t sleep on your back.
Added weight creates fat around the neck making it difficult for air to pass through the throat. Although people of any weight can snore, being overweight is certainly a contributor.
However, it is important to note that while losing weight can and does help many people, it is not necessarily an inverse relationship. Sometimes losing weight doesn’t help with snoring which means that there is another cause for it.
Alcohol and sedatives relax the muscles in the body, including those at the back of the throat. You notice that anytime you drink, you are more likely to snore the night away- even if you don’t usually.
You don’t have to quit drinking (although if you did, you would solve the problem) but try to lengthen the time between drinking and sleeping. Also drink less often. This will help reduce snoring.
Sleeping is important in rejuvenating the body. Bad sleep hygiene keeps your body overtired which means that when you do finally lay down, you absolutely crash. Sleeping this hard means your muscles completely flop from over exhaustion. This leads to this problem.
Sleep the required 7-8 hours a day for a healthy body and in turn may offer a snoring cure.
One of the main causes of a blocked nasal passage is allergies, having a cold or the flu. While you can’t avoid their completely, you can work to reduce their occurrence.
Dress warmly when it’s cold should help to prevent the flu. Also, regular dusting and cleaning of the house ought to prevent dust mites that collect in your beddings and house and are notorious for causing allergies.
Drink lots and lots of water to prevent dehydration. If you are wondering how dehydration affects snoring, here’s the answer. “Secretions in your nose and soft palate become stickier when you’re dehydrated” This means that there is more blocking the airways, and hence, snoring.
It is important to get enough rest. When your body is well rested, then it regulates sleep better. To help unblock your nasal passages, it can also help to take a shower before bed.
There are some wonderful devices out there recommended for reducing snoring:
If you suffer from sleep apnea which is excessive snoring that is potentially dangerous to your health then see a doctor. The CPAP machine is the most recommended treatment for the severe condition.
CPAP stands for “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure” and it is used to alleviate sleep apnea. The machine uses a “hose, mask or nosepiece” which delivers the air pressure necessary for a good night’s rest.