

How to Get a Small Waist – Exercises, Nutrition, and Clothing

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Living in a world where we get constantly hit by ads or Pinterest hashtags emphasizing on six-packs, eight packs, tummy trimmers or green tea that lead to flat, tight and defined teeny tiny waists, it’s no wonder people have gotten into the tiny waist frenzy.

How to get a smaller waist

However much a toned and tight waist is determined by genetics, it’s still possible to get it with controlled calorie intake, a wholesome diet, some cardio and strength training exercises, and some fashion tweaks.

This is all worth it! Who wouldn’t want Marilyn Monroe’s sultry silhouette with a perfectly toned and defined waist?

Adulting can be pretty hectic but with the right amount of commitment, patience and time you can and should be able to incorporate some time to work out, eat healthily and dress up to get a small waist. Here are the tips to get a smaller waist:

1. Make realistic goals

Being realistic is important considering that people come in different body shapes and sizes, meaning that it will be so easy for someone to get a wasp-like waist while for others it’s just plain difficult. This is especially common for body types that naturally have a wider mid-section such as apple body figures.

But, the good news is absolutely anyone can get a tight, toned and trimmed waistline. A realistic goal especially if you got those body types with an unflattering midsection would be to lose weight. Okay, if we are to be realistic the hourglass figure is just out of the question.

2. Diet and nutrition

Check your diet to get a thinner waistline
Consider what you eat

a). Starve your guilty pleasures

Everyone has some form of indulgence, whether it’s giving you an ice cream coma or binge eating your fav sugary treats. As humans we desire pleasure, Sigmund Freud understand this, or so I think…but indulging is not worth it especially if your goal is to lose tummy fat and get a smaller waist.

Even if you hitting the gym 24/7 it’s all zero work if you are still indulging in unhealthy eating habits. In lieu, you could replace your guilty pleasure with a healthier option.

A wholesome diet is composed of adequate fruits and veggies, lean meat, whole grains, low-fat dairy or other dairy alternatives notes wiki how.

b). Monitor calorie intake

Consider your age, sex, weight, and activity levels to establish a healthy number of calories you are supposed to take for weight loss: Usually for women, it’s approximately 1500 while for men its 2000 notes Live strong.

Consult a health physician or trainer to get the best advice on a suitable calorie deficit that is healthy.

c). Dieting

Don’t starve yourself or follow fad diets to quicken the journey. The ultimate healthy weight loss per week is between 1-2 pounds. Instead of starving yourself, you could eat smaller portions of food at regular intervals to avoid eating more later.

Eating small portions frequently results in stimulation of metabolism which means you burn more calories and also prevents you from feeling too hungry.

  1. Foods rich in fiber keep you feeling fuller for longer periods and are lower in calories compared to other foods.
  2. Always ensure you start the day with a balanced healthy breakfast meal to jumpstart metabolism which will result in burning calories throughout the day and ensures you are full for the most of the day thus reducing snacking. A breakfast meal composed of whole-grain cereals or bread, eggs for proteins and fruits for vitamins is perfect, for those of us who have crazy schedules you can opt for a to-go fruit smoothie or even a cereal bar.
  3. Monosaturated fats (avocados, soybeans, nuts) and polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 fatty acids present in herring, salmon, and walnuts) are essential fats that assist in weight loss.

d). What you need to avoid dieting and nutrition

All types of food add extra pounds to your whole body, yes including your belly. It’s best to avoid some of these to get a smaller waist.

  • Avoid trans fats (margarine, cookies)
  • Processed foods as they contain high amounts of sugar and starch which is harmful to your body notes Wiki how.
  • Sugary treats such as sweets and carbonated drinks contain high amounts of calories, eliminate all the high calorie and low-value foods such as these from your diet. Instead, you could go for healthier options such as tea or water.
  • Fast foods are low-value foods and talk about, unhealthy fats.
  • Alcohol contains high-calorie content and is of low value nutritionally.
  • Refined grains accelerate feeling hungry as compared to whole grains.

3. Exercises

First things first to get the best out of your workout routine, consistency and commitment are vital. There are no excuses, to get a small waist, you best be committed to your workout routine. Establish a plan, start slowly and gradually build yourself up to longer and more intense routines.

a). Cardio

Cardio is the ultimate secret to toning your entire body and burning those annoying extra pounds in your midsection Live strong. Cardio is any vigorous activity from swimming, jogging, bike riding, skipping or even dancing.

You can opt to alternate a moderate cardio exercise like walking with a more vigorous exercise like sprinting.

b). Target the right muscles

Concentrate on core strength building by targeting your oblique muscles for a toned and flat stomach while at the same time build up your muscles, and for trimming your waistline and working your core concentrate on transverse and rectus abdominals notes wiki how.

Pilates is the best waist-trimming exercising because they work out your transverse muscles.

And don’t forget to breathe when you are working out your core muscles

c). Don’t forget your chest and shoulders

Including exercises that bulk up your chest and shoulders will work towards slimming up your waist further by giving the illusion of a smaller waist.

Bench-dips are perfect for toning your arms and shoulders, while push-ups work the chest muscles.

So, what are the best specific waist trimming exercises?

  • Sit-ups
  • Twist crunches
  • Planks traditional planks or side planks or both.
  • Plank Twists
  • Crunches
  • Butterfly twists and kicks
  • Bicycles
Exercises for a smaller waits - situps
Situps can help

Sometimes you could switch it up  and be more daring enough to add some dumbbells, do yoga, dance or do Pilates because after using the same workout routine over and over again it’s bound to get boring

4. Dressing and fashion ideas

Sometimes, working out just doesn’t seem to work. You can instead choose to create a flattering waist using your outfits’ notes wiki how.

Consider dressing to make your waist look smaller
The dressing can make your waist appear smaller 
  • Low rise jeans are a no-no because they create a muffin top (sounds cute, right? But they aren’t as cute especially if want to create the illusion of a smaller waist) right about where you are trying to conceal your wide waistline. Instead, opt for high waist jeans because they cover up all extra fats and create a perfect illusion of a smaller waistline.
  • Belt it up. Belts generally cinch your waist which draws the attention there. Belts wide or skinny worn overcoats or dresses flatters your general body physique and gives the illusion of a smaller waist and the illusion of an hourglass body shape.
  • A-line dresses for decades have been the avant-garde for flattering your waistline and skims over all blemishes. The best part about A-line dresses is they are just absolutely perfect for all body shapes because they snug at the hips and flare outwards towards the hem.
  • Use body shaping undergarments for smaller waists. In a perfectly cinched waist corsets and shapewear is the Holy Grail to create a smaller waist. Shapewear smoothens all imperfections and flatters your figure; corsets, on the other hand, create a sultry silhouette easily.
  • The corset nips the waist and best still, it can permanently, yes reduce its size with prolonged wear.
High waist is good for a smaller looking waist
The high waist is good


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