The wrinkles on the nose are an impediment to flawless skin. These tiny creases can be the outcome of aging, environmental factors, or lifestyle factors. They can develop on the core sections of the face including the chin, forehead, cheeks, and nose. Also, wrinkles can form on the upper nose bridge or around the nose (the bunny line). Finally, they can run from the nose to the mouth (the nasolabial folds).
Aside from the crow’s feet (those that form around the outer corner of the eyes), bunny lines is another name that refers to wrinkles on the face. These creases appear diagonal on the upper part of the nose.
There are several factors that can lead to the formation of bunny lines. First, the wrinkles can form as a result of aging. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity. As a result, the underlying muscles on the upper nose area (the alaeque nasi) forms deep trenches that become the bunny lines. The frequent contraction of this muscle leads to the formation of wrinkles on the nose.
Facial expressions can lead to their formation too. There are people who frequently use the muscles on the sides of the nose when smiling or making other facial expressions. The frequent use of the nasalis muscle leads to the formation of these wrinkles. Bunny lines tend to be superficial and may appear horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
There is a rumor going around stating that bunny lines can be caused by botox. This is because of the high number of celebrities who have been spotted to have bunny lines.
Well, there may be some truth to this gossip. According to New York’s Cosmetic Oculoplastic Surgeon, Dr. Robert Schwarcz, the repeated application of botox in the glabella region (the area between the eyebrows and the forehead) can lead to the formation of bunny lines. The muscles may become hyperactive due to the relaxation of other facial muscles through botox.
Wrinkles can form at the bottom of the nose, on the upper lip region. Similar to most wrinkles, they can form as part of the aging process, environmental factors such as exposure to pollutants, and lifestyle factors such as smoking. They run from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth. At times they can form around the mouth area forming an arc.
rea can also contribute to their deepening around the nasolabial area.
You need to bear in mind that there are other factors aside from aging that can contribute to the formation of wrinkles. They include:
Consulting a dermatologist is the best approach to the treatment of wrinkles. A specialist will be able to determine the root cause of the problem, severity, and the best treatment approach. That said, the common treatment approaches for wrinkles around the nose include:
Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. Therefore, it can be difficult to completely prevent them. Also, most of the treatment procedures are expensive. The best way to deal with them is to delay them or prevent them before they occur.
One of the best ways to achieve this is through the frequent use of sunscreen. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, daily usage of sunscreen will help keep the skin supple and wrinkle-free.
Also, invest in a good moisturizer that suits your skin type. A moisturizer helps keep the skin hydrated which is important for the prevention this and other skin problems. Go for moisturizers that are rich in vitamin C and retinol. These vitamins will help boost the collagen and elastin in the skin.
Getting a good night sleep is important for the health of your skin. Your skin needs to rejuvenate and it is at night, while you get the much-needed rest that your skin gets to repair.
Moreover, how you sleep on your pillow can impact the development of wrinkles on the face. If you tend to sleep in a way that your skin comes into contact with your pillow, then the pressure you apply on your face can promote their formation. Aside from a night of good night sleep, you need to invest in a healthy lifestyle that will include regular exercise, healthy eating, and reduced smoking.
Lastly, adopt a good anti-aging skincare routine to help prevent them from forming. This regime should include the daily use of a cleanser, an alcohol-free toner, and a moisturizer. You can incorporate a good retinol serum to help promote collagen growth in the skin. Also, remember to use a sunscreen or opt for a moisturizer with sunscreen.
Lastly, learn to appreciate the reality. As we age, our skin will form wrinkles. So rather than seeing them as the dreaded aging process. You can view them as a manifestation of the journey of life, including the achievements, lessons learned, and pain overcome along the way. Like I always say, a positive attitude is the first step to a more lasting solution.