While researching on how to get rid of stretch marks on your thighs, you have met terms such as of stria, striae or striae gravidarum. They all refer to these stripes or streaks formed due to the stretching of your skin dermis.
Have a look at your thighs. Do you see any stripes or streaks? These are channels or narrow grooves running parallel to each other across your thighs.
What causes stretch marks on thighs?
Stretch marks on thighs are purple or red in color in their initial stages of formation. However, they turn silvery white after some time. While some will disappear after some time, some won’t.
In most cases, they run downwards. Besides thighs, they can be found in other body parts such as:
Striae on thighs can be found in both males and females. However, they are extensively found in women, especially during and after pregnancy.
Are you noting anything abnormal on your thighs? Stretch marks on thighs manifest in the following ways.
If you notice some of these symptoms, it is possible you have striae. Their actual color may vary slightly from one skin complexion to another.
If you are wondering what causes these streaks or stripes, then here are some facts that you should know. Stretch marks on hips and thighs are attributed to many environmental and biological factors.
Before researching on the best product for stretch marks or best cream, it would be advisable to understand the causes. The NHS.uk notes that these marks are because of the following factors
Did you know that these marks on your thighs are associated with age? Several sources highlight the fact that many people are likely to get these streaks at puberty
However, this is likely to happen more in girls than in boys. For boys at puberty, they are mainly experienced on the back and shoulders. However, girls get them on thighs, alongside other body parts such as hips and breasts.
Their appearance during puberty is attributed to changing hormones. If this is the case, such disappear when teens get past that pubic age.
You might be sick
If they aren’t disappearing, you might be having a medical condition that requires immediate attention. Yes, some stretch marks are associated with some sicknesses.
Have you ever heard of Cushing’s syndrome? According to Mayo Clinic, Cushing’s syndrome is a condition where the body overproduces hormone cortisol. The condition is also called hypercortisolism.
If you are having this health condition, the body reacts by producing some stretch mark especially pink and purple ones in various body parts, including the inner thighs. If they are resulting from Cushing’s syndrome, they can come along with other symptoms such as:
Hereditary genes
In some cases, stretch marks on thighs can be passed from one generation to the other. The Family Magazine notes that striae can be inherited, i.e., they can be passed from parents to children
Before trying to get rid of them, research on whether your family has a history of striae. If that is the case, even the best stretch mark cream may not help you.
However, all is not lost, there are ways in which you can reduce their appearance as well as prevent them from being so severe.
Excessive weight gain
Does weight gain contribute to striae on your thighs? Yes, it does. Weight gain makes the skin to undergo rapid stretching. As a result, the skin, especially in the inner thigh, develops some these purple and reddish narrow lines.
Experts argue that they do appear when people gain weight rapidly, and then lose it. This fluctuation puts the skin under pressure.
For men and women who engage in sports, their thigh muscles increase in size due to regular exercises. This increase in muscle size may stimulate your skin to develop striae.
During and after pregnancy
All mothers can agree with the fact that these marks are mainly evident during and after pregnancy. Statistically, 8 out of 10 women will have stretch marks on thighs when pregnant.
However, there are some women who will not get them even during pregnancy. Therefore, whether you will develop them or not during pregnancy depends on your skin type and other factors.
Whattoexpect.com highlights that stretch marks during pregnancy can spread beyond the abdominal region. While these they disappear immediately after delivery, some remain permanently.
Prolonged use of corticosteroids
Do you know what corticosteroids are? These are substances that people use to heal acne or eczema. These products come in the form of lotions and creams. When used for long or inappropriately, they may make your body to develop striae.
As hormone cortisol, they reduce the amount of collagen in your skin, especially the inner thighs. This stimulates your skin to develop these streaks or stripes.
Collagen is a very important protein as far as your skin is concerned. How your skin looks like depends on the amount of collage produced by your body. In short, the less the collagen in your body, the higher the chances of developing striae.
Would you like to know how to remove stretch marks or how to reduce them? If your answer is yes, then you deserve to know that there are numerous treatment options and home remedies.
The following options are available in treating or managing these marks:
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