

Causes and Fast Removal of Cellulite on Buttocks

Before and after cellulite on buttocks removal

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What is cellulite? What causes it on buttocks? Is often severe in this area? Who is vulnerable to cellulite on the bum? Is it possible to get rid it? This are just but a few of the questions you may be having.

This post will give you the meaning and what causes cellulite on buttocks and thigh areas, removal exercises, effective home remedies as well as best treatment options.

What is a cellulite?

Cellulite medically referred to as gynoid lipodystrophy, is the appearance of dimples on skin that is often noted on buttocks, hips, thighs, stomach and other parts of the body.

Although this lumpy dimpled skin not a serious medical condition, it raises cosmetic concerns to many people having this condition. The process of formation of a cellulite is complicated as it is more than just dimpling of the skin.

Gynoid lipodystrophy occurs when a fat layer below the skin pushes against the connective tissues making them to appear swollen or enlarged. This is after the connective fibers have been tightened and stiffened. This them result in a dimpled skin surface resembling orange peels.

Cellulite is common in women the men and tend to be very common in the adolescence stage. This is condition is also prevalent during pregnancies, puberty, and menopause, these stages are characterized by intense hormonal changes. This condition is usually mild, but some people end up with severe cases.

In case you have this skin condition, do not worry as there are many cellulite reduction treatments that are available in the market fashioned to remove cellulite from wherever you have it. They come in the forms of creams, lotions and gels.

Also, there home remedies and exercises that can be of much help. Severe cellulite can be removed through advanced procedures such as light and laser therapies.

Identifying it

No test or examination is needed to spot this skin dimpling on your bum, thigh, hip or stomach. Anyone can note it by simply looking at the bum, hip, thigh or stomach and other areas to see if the skin is dimpled.

What causes it

There are many factors that can encourage the appearance of gynoid lipodystrophy on buttocks and thigh as well as the stomach. Here are common causes of cellulite on bum:

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes especially decline in the level of estrogen levels can result in reduced blood supply to and limited product of collagen. According to Dr. Mercola, “a thinner collagen layer and change in blood supply may lead to cellulite.”

Changes in levels of certain hormones also leads to high levels of insulin and catecholamine and this would also result in this condition (hail damage). It can also be due to changes in the levels of other hormones such as prolactin, thyroid hormone, and noradrenaline.

Such hormonal changes could be due to several factors. This could involve certain medications, anxiety, stress and certain diets. Hormonal changes are common during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

Medical conditions

You are also at high risk of developing cellulite if you are struggling with certain medical conditions.  According to, “individuals with kidney disease, chronic heart problems, and liver disease or circulation issues can develop cellulite.”

Nutritional factors

Some nutritional aspects can also encourage the appearance of cellulite. Certain foods especially the spicy ones would increase the level of enzyme insulin in the blood and hence causing this skin condition.

Again, excess consumption of carbohydrates increases the vulnerability of hyperinsulinemia which leads to lipogenesis, a condition characterized by the development of more fat cells.


You can also develop cellulite on buttocks if your father or mother or a close relative had it. confirms that “genes might play the biggest role in whether you develop cellulite.”


Sufficient water in the body will increase the strength of collagen and connective tissue in the skin and thus avoiding the formation butt gynoid lipodystrophy. Water also flushes out toxins that would interfere with other metabolic activities in the body.

Sufficient amount of water also reduces the wrinkles on the skin and make the skin smoother.

Prolonged sitting and inactive lifestyle

Prolonged sitting especially when working in an office is also blamed for cellulite on buttocks development. There are some remedies can help control it if it is from this cause.

An inactive lifestyle is also blamed. Lack of physical activities would also increase your risk of developing this problem.

Other causes

Apart from the above causes, more causes or risk factors include the following:

  • Smoking and alcoholism
  • Ill-fitting clothes
  • Skin infections
  • Weight gain or obesity
  • Slow metabolism
  • Color (less common on dark skin) and thickness of the skin
  • Aging (skin usually loses strength and elasticity as one grows older)

What if you have them on thighs too?

Cellulite on thighs, bum, hip and stomach is caused by the same reasons we have seen. However, the bum is more prone to this skin dimpling condition that thighs or stomach.

In most instances, similar treatment techniques might be applied with some small variations.

Types of cellulite you may have

Gynoid lipodystrophy can be categorized based on their structure, localization, and texture. There are therefore three types that you can develop on bums, thigh, and hip or on the abdomen.

Soft cellulite

As the name suggests this type is soft to touch and movable. It is usually in areas with most fat deposits such as upper arms, bums, and hips.

This type is usually accompanied by varicose veins or even spider veins. Such a type is treated through improvement of blood flow and reinstating the skin tone.

Hard cellulite

This type is also known as solid cellulite is commonly seen in young women. With this type, the tight dimpled skin doesn’t move when you walk or move. In this case, the skin usually appears like they are attached to a muscle.

Edematous cellulite

This is the notorious type that is also very difficult to eliminate. It is usually due to poor circulation and would be painful if touched. You may also experience pain after sitting for a long time.

Ways to get rid of cellulite – removal treatments

Since it has many causes and considering that it’s almost impossible to carry out a diagnostic test to determine what exactly causes this skin dimpling. However, there are many treatment and remedies to remove cellulite if it bothers you. Otherwise, you can just leave them alone.

To be sincere, it will be very challenging to reverse the appearance of skin after developing cellulite. Perhaps that is why some people go for advanced treatments including laser therapies.

All is not lost if you have it as there are several ways to get rid of cellulite or at least reduce its appearance that include home remedies, exercises, over the counter cellulite products and prescribed treatments. Let explore them into details:

Home remedies for cellulite – natural treatment

There are many home remedies. No specific home treatment is suitable for all skin types or all type of cellulite. Some remedies would be more effective than others. Home based treatments are often good for mild cases.

To begin with, try dry brushing. This will to improve blood circulation. It also enhances lymphatic drainage as well as getting rid of toxins in the body and thus help fade the appearances of unsightly dimply skin on the bum.

Other natural home products that could be used include apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, juniper oil, seaweed, salmon, coconut oil, green tea, coffee scrub and many other natural products available at home.

Behavioral changes such as drinking enough amount of water, having a good diet, wearing comfortable clothes would also help reduce cellulite on buttocks. Quitting alcohol and smoking can also help. You can also stop sitting for a long period of time.

Cellulite removal exercises

Exercise is another powerful tool to get rid of cellulite on thighs, buttocks and other body parts. The exercise would enhance blood flow and tone the muscle below the fat deposits. This way, the chances of having gynoid lipodystrophy in these areas will be reduce significantly.

Recommended exercises include lunges, single leg squat, and clamshell and mountain climber among others. After exercise, make sure you bathe and drink enough amount water. Out of desperation, don’t be involved in very strenuous exercises, as they can harm your health.

Over the counter products

You can also go for the various over the counter treatment products. These include products that came in the form of creams, lotions, and gels or otherwise.

Before buying any product, read reviews and see what experts are saying. For instance, there are many creams that are labeled “best creams for cellulite” but in the real sense, they may not give you any results.

Make sure to carry out a prior extensive research to know what is good for your skin type. Not all serums, gels, lotions or creams are suitable for every skin type and cellulite.

Ways to getting rid of cellulite on bum permanently

Although changes in diet, exercises, and home remedies may remove cellulite on buttock, thighs, tummy, and other areas permanently, severe cases may prove to be a bit stubborn. These would require treatments done at the doctor’s office. These treatments include light or laser therapy, radiofrequency procedures, acoustic wave therapy and/or minor surgical procedure (subcision.

These treatments for cellulite are costly i.e. you may have to spent from several hundreds of dollars to thousands.

These advanced treatments may have certain side effects that would range from mild to severe. You should, therefore, heed the instruction given during such treatments. This will help you limit the side effects and get desired results fast.


Cellulite on buttocks, thigh, hip or stomach is a normal occurrence and should not cause panic. Only seek for treatments if you have cosmetic concerns. Remember, it might be very difficult to reverse the dimply skin appearance.

Following the treatments, we have discussed as well as lifestyle changes may eventually reduce the appearance of cellulite if not do away with it completely.

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