Is it normal to have pimples on the breast or even spots, lumps and growths? We must concur with the fact that whether you have whiteheads or blackheads or other acne bumps on or under the breast and they whether they are painful or not, small or large, infected or not, they can cause much worry.
Now that it is a fact this problem can be very distressing especially if they are lumpy, chronic and not going away since they could be linked to cancer. Do not worry, this is a rather rare occurrence.
We understand that cancer is a very prevalent health concern in current days. However, zits on this part in most cases may have nothing to do with cancer. Discover all the information you would like to know about causes and remedies.
Pimples can develop on any part of the body including breast, thighs, buttocks, legs, etc. However, they are common on the face.
The reasons or causes on breasts (areola, nipple etc) are more or less the same reasons that cause on any other part of the body i.e. the excessive production of sebum, formation of a plug (clogged pores), together with dead skin accumulation and bacteria.
We hope it is clear what leads to their formation. Let us look at some of the factors that often trigger their formation on your breasts.
1. Certain medications
Medications for various diseases are very significant but we must confess that some of these medications have certain side effects on patients. In our context, some medications especially those involving lithium, corticosteroids, steroids, androgenic steroids, bromine-based medications, and anticonvulsants have been linked to having acne as their side effects.
The acne breakout triggered by these types of medications is not limited to under breast only. They can also cause eruptions on other susceptible parts of the body including your chin, forehead, cheek or generally face outbursts.
2. Cancer
Can a zit be a cancer symptom? What should ring in our minds is that cancerous growths can begin as a tiny lump that can resemble an itchy zit. After a short period, it can turn into a boil or a large lump-like pimple.
In some cases, it can start as a small white spot and then into a large and hard bump.
To get to bottom of this, I want to reveal to you two main ways on how cancer can manifest itself. Take your time below to dig deeper into its major cancer symptoms:
Breast cancer can manifest itself through the bump on the breast that keeps on coming back, lasts for weeks or months and won’t settle. Notably, when you experience a boil in this area that becomes warm, tender and painful, please DON’T ignore it, it can be a sign of a knocking cancer.
Some conditions like dermatitis, milk blister, and fungal infections can seem to have pus-filled pimples but a close examination should be employed in such conditions. This is not to worry much since they can just be zits.
Be very careful in cases where the breast skin appears dark or black, feel hard and does not vanish; they are more likely to be a sign of breast cancer.
3. Hormonal imbalances
Variations of hormones during periods, puberty and during pregnancy can potentially make one’s skin to produce excess sebum. Now, too much sebum in your body might lead to blockage of skin pores leading to small pimples or acne anywhere including in this area. If infected, they can be big, red, pus-filled and painful
Also, one can get bigger deeper cystic acne. These too can be very common during pregnancy and periods. Correlated symptoms may include red pimples on breast, chest, back, face or even forehead.
Stress during the indicated periods can worsen your outbreaks on the various body parts of your body.
4. Blockage of hair follicles on the areola
Hair follicles are usually present at areola (colored circle around the n1pple) and their blockage may lead to the development of pimples on one’s breast areola. The hair follicles at areola can be blocked due to the accumulation of dirt and oil. Another condition that can influence their blockage, is the buildup dead skin around this area.
5. Breastfeeding
Developing zits on your breasts or any other parts of the body when one is breastfeeding is also very common. This condition is also referred to as post-pregnancy acne breakout.
It is triggered by the fact that after a woman has given birth, her hormones are still resolving and their imbalance may have a hand in the development of acne spots on the body. Overproduction of milk at this stage can also lead to the appearance of pimple-like structures on the nipple. Those are not actual zits.
6. Wrong-sized bra and clothing
Wearing improper size of bras can lead to obstruction of proper blood circulation and clogging of Montgomery glands. This is another condition can potentially lead to the development acne.
How can this lead to the formation of pimples? Well, these are very sensitive glands and secrete the sebum to keep the areola and nipple are supple. The moment they are blocked, then this will lead to the development of zits.
This is a condition that is most common among sportswomen. They can also develop due to the following conditions:
We need to acknowledge that sweaty constant rubbed skin can quickly break out in a worrisome rash.
7. Fungal infections under breasts
In some circumstances, fungal infections can also develop on the skin below the breast. This can be influenced by poor hygienic conditions. As you know, fungal infections can be the cause of red, itchy bumps under the breast area that resembles pimples.
8. Diet with dairy products and fatty foods
Some researchers have concluded that fatty foods increase fat content in a person’s body. This can be a very good reason behind this skin problem.
On the other hand, dairy products have also been listed as the worst food option since they are potential to trigger acne. According to Dr. Frank Lipman, dairy causes spikes in certain pimple producing hormones. Other foods that are also likely to induce the problem, they include:
9. Other causes
Some other factors that can trigger the development of breast pimples may include, accidental trauma, poor quality of clothing, digestive disorders, excessive stress, and mental tension
Is a pimple on my breast normal? It is reasonably normal for adolescents, both boys and girls to develop chest or breast pimples as well as on other parts of their bodies including the back, face, butts or even thighs.
These bumps can also emerge during menstruation periods and during pregnancy in many women. This is because, during the mentioned stages, there are intense hormonal changes as already seen. Zits and acne bumps on breast also, are normally triggered by stress hormones. These are perfectly normal.
Your main worry should be chronic bumps-like or black pimples on the breast that hardly go away. They should not be considered normal since it could be cancer beginning to manifest itself.
These zits can manifest themselves in various ways. In some circumstance, you will find some people having them under their breast, others on the side while some can have them on the areola.
In addition, some of them will be very painful, sore to touch. Again, some will bleed if you try to pop them while others will feel hard. Let us look at red, small, large and infected cases.
1. Red and painful at times
The presence of red pimples and rashes on the breast can be a sign of inflammation as well as infections. Normally, the immune system will respond to bacteria leading to pus-filled zits. Therefore, in the process, you will end up with reddened or inflamed skin.
Again, if you tend to pop them, you can possibly make them become red or very sore, they can even bleed on some occasions. In case of bleeding, you may develop a blood pimple on your breast.
Finally, these bumps can be a sign of fungal infection.
2. Small under breast
Normally, small zits beneath the breast could be due to just normal zits or heat rash. When caused by heat, such pimples can occur in clusters or as a rash under your breast.
In addition, small sweat pimples can be common in women having bigger breast which coupled with inadequate aeration may cause intense sweating and blockage of the sweat pores.
3. Large and painful
Taken into consideration they should vanish of their own, it will be bothersome and puzzling if they maintain growing large and remain painful. Large painful cases could be a sign of cystic acne.
Furthermore, take note that, a painful pimple could be due to bruising, or when one attempts to burst it. When you discover a sore fat boil or what seems to be a large zit, see your doctor as soon as possible to try draining it professionally.
Finally, remember, a pimple getting larger can be an indication of the presence of cancerous growth. This should be diagnosed by a qualified medical practitioner if it does not seem to subside.
Infected cases
Just as they can be infected on any part of the body, infected breast pimples are also possible. When infected, they tend to develop alongside with some pain and it will be filled with pus.
The pus is the due response of white blood cells to bacterial activities, dead cell, and accumulated oil. The pus may sometimes turn yellow or green. One can feel inflammation when they are infected. The affected area may become itchy, develop a rash or even swell.
Infected bumps usually take a longer time to heal and they may leave behind bigger scars. You will need antibiotics to treat them. Be careful when dealing with them
Treating breast pimples can involve the application over the counter drugs or prescribed drugs by a doctor. There are also several home remedies to heal them. Remember the type of medication to be prescribed will depend on the root causes or nature at hand.
According to Medicalfoxx.com, the determination of the underlying cause is very important for the proper treatment of pimples on the nipple. Here are some important insights on treatment including those on nipple and areola.
Can breast pimples be prevented? Of course, the answer here is YES. They can be prevented. Well, despite the fact that the above treatment can effectively help treat them, it is always wiser to prevent than cure.
Various measures can be observed to prevent breakouts. Below are common effective measures that can help prevent their occurrence:
Most of the pimples developing on breast tend to be harmless but we should not take them for granted. We should give them close examination because they can sometimes just be a sign of serious conditions like cancer.
Above all, the prime remedy is to keep the breast area clean and dry. Because these form of acne can be triggered by several factors, you should take a lot of care when establishing the right medication, especially while applying the home products. Also, try to consult your doctor before you could jump into the application of these products.
Chronic pimples, large or pus-filled ones should be immediately attended to by a medical professional. Don’t continue to treat yourself when the pimples keep on growing bigger, instead of book a sooner appointment with your doctor.