Do you have a hard or soft lump on the right or left testicle? Are these small or large? What causes them? How are these lumps removed???
The testicles or testes are egg-shaped male reproductive organs that hang outside the body below the penis in a sac referred to as the scrotum. The key role of these organs is to secret sperm and a hormone known as testosterone Sometimes, they can have an unusual or abnormal mass formed i.e. a lump.
lump on testicles
A lump in the testicles can affect male young children and adults. It can occur on one testicle or both and has many causes ranging from minor injuries to serious medical conditions.
Treatment methods or options will depend on the causes. This might need a diagnosis unless you are certain about why you have them.
Lumps on the testicle are a common symptom in boys and men and can have various causes as discussed below:
Epididymal cyst
This is a common type of testicular lump that occurs when epididymis is filled with a fluid that can’t drain. If the cyst is filled with sperms, then it is called a spermatocele. In most cases, this kind usually resolves of its own.
An injury or inflammation in the testicles can make clear fluid to collect around the testicle for no reason. The fluids may form minor swellings that eventually become very large
Hydroceles vary in terms of the size, some may be larger while others can be apparently small. Hydroceles are common in newborns and in most cases clear up of their own. Adults can also suffer from this condition.
Any infection of the testicle or surrounding tissues can lead to lumps on testicles. Some infections can be very severe and require a doctor’s intervention. They are usually caused by poor hygiene in the groin area among other factors.
A hernia is a bump which appears from a weakness in the abdominal wall. Males have a small tunnel in the tissues of their groins that develop when they were growing as a baby. This tunnel allowed the testes to descend from the tummy into the scrotum.
Some tissues from the abdomen may as well pass into this tunnel, leading to the formation of an inguinal hernia.
When one has an inguinal hernia, a sausage-shaped lump may be felt from the groin to the scrotal sac if you have an inguinal hernia. This condition is usually treated through surgical procedures.
Testicular cancer majorly affects men in the age of 20 to 35 years. The exact cause of this disease is not clear, but risk factors include undescended testicles and congenital abnormalities, among other causes. A lump on the testicle is among the first signs of this disease.
The common types of testicular lumps are seminomas and nonseminomas. Cancer on this area is usually treated by surgically removing the testes to prevent the cells from spreading to other areas.
Sometimes, a vein or artery in the scrotal sac area may become swollen, leading to the development of lumps. A swollen artery in the scrotum is also referred to as a femoral aneurysm. The swollen veins are known as varicose veins. These too can lead to the lumpy mass.
A varicocele is a collection of dilated veins in the scrotal sac. It may occur next to or above one testicle or both of them. About one out of seven men develop a varicocele within an age bracket of between the age of 15 and 25 years.
Varicoceles are normally painless and may cause no symptoms at all. Varicocele can be tender, especially with standing or straining.
Apart from the above causes, below are more cause:
The same causes we have seen can cause a lump on the right or left testicle. There are no special causes. Whether on the right or left ones, it might be soft or hard, big or small.
Boys and men may at times end up with a soft or hard lump on their testes. You can tell if it is soft or hard by simply touching it.
Hard lump on testes may be a sign of cancer. However, deep testicular cysts can also lead to such a hard bump. Some of the cause we discussed can also chase a bump that feels hard when touched.
If you discover a hard mass in your testes, then you should see your doctor perform a proper diagnosis. This will reduce the chances of you ending up with cancer without knowing.
Tiny lumps on testicles can be just a painless cyst that should not worry you much. However, in certain conditions, they can be due to allergic reactions or irritants. In such cases, they will be very itchy.
Don’t decide on seriousness lumps on your testes by looking at their size, softness or hardness. Instead, consider the causes or get a diagnosis from a qualified doctor.
Treatment options to go for usually depends on the underlying causes. Most of the conditions do not need to be treated if they are not a serious health problem such as cancer.
Some lumps or bumps would vanish of their own or they may need simple home remedies such as aloe vera, lemon juice, cold compress, message, apple cider vinegar, essential oils and among others or over the counter products and medications
Most of these remedies and OTC products help relieve pain and any discomfort or inflammation. Some can also deal with cases resulting from minor infections or irritations.
Besides the home remedies and OTC products, certain lumps may require an urgent surgery to restore the blood flow to the affected area and remove any tumor or growth.
Some severe cases or those that are filled with fluid may require draining or surgery to remove a solid lump if normal treatments cannot work.
Lumps on testicle have no specific treatment apart from surgery and maybe, the use of painkillers. Some come and go by themselves. However, in serious condition, they may need urgent surgery.
Therefore, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately if they worsen or the cause is not clear. Remember it is only a doctor who is guaranteed to do a proper diagnosis.