Discussing a health problem on, near or around your private parts is always tricky. Take for example a condition of having a lump in your inner thigh and near your groin. Will you take such a problem to a gynecologist or a dermatologist? Actually, this can be a skin irritation or a symptom of several STDs or other disease and conditions.
Thanks to the internet, we can find almost any information we need without going to a doctor or discussing it with a friend. However, the information you get only should not substitute a doctor’s advice. it is meant for general knowledge. Today, I am going to discuss in detail the causes of different types of inner thigh cysts, bumps and lumps. I will also give you some of the symptoms you may have.
lump on inner thighs
A lump on the inner side of your thighs could be hard or soft, itchy or not itchy, painful or painless depending on the causes. Let us explore some of the common causes.
A painful bump can be caused by an ingrown hair in between your thigh. An ingrown hair is the curling of hair back into the skin instead of outwards. This lead to the development of painful pus-filled cyst in the inner thigh near the groin in both females and males should it be infected. An ingrown hair cyst pus maybe greenish or yellowish in color.
These bumps cause irritation and discomfort. The condition may worsen if the cyst is infected with bacteria. An infected cyst may lead to the development of a boil in this area which is an entirely different type of problem.
Treatment for Ingrown Hair Cysts
Painful itchy small red lump on the upper thigh is a sign of a bacterial infection. With time the bumps will be filled with pus to form boils. Infection of the hair follicles can also cause boils on your inner thighs. Bacteria can accumulate due to sweating, which may encourage infections. Similarly, thighs rubbing against each other can encourage these infections.
In case of a boil, within a few days, the boil will break-open and drain out pus. You may get a scab and scar on inner thigh if this happens. This may also spread the infection to other parts of the skin leading to recurring boils that may be very difficult to treat. Symptoms such as fatigue and fever may be reported by a patient in case of a serious infection.
Treatment for Boil and infections
Itchy bumps on the inner thigh in females or male could be a symptom of genital warts. On prevalence, there is what statistics state:
About 1 in 6 Americans (16.2%) aged 14 to 49 is infected with HSV-2. HSV-2 prevalence was nearly twice as high among women (20.9%) than men (11.5%) – Wikipedia
Though it mostly affects women, men can also get warts. Warts are itchy, small blood-filled bumps and may appear in clusters. Apart from this area, genital warts can grow on the vulva, vagina and the anal canal.
The HPV Virus is transmitted through having sex with an infected person. The virus has been closely associated with various types of cancer.
Treatment for genital warts
Jock itch is the main cause of blisters and inner thigh rash. Jock itch is a fungal infection caused by fungi known as a dermatophyte. The condition causes a red blister on the inner thighs around the groin area and buttocks.
It is mainly caused by lengthy exposure to moisture. This can be because of wearing sweat-soaked clothes for a long time. The condition is also highly contagious; you may get it through contact with an infected person.
You may get reddish painful blisters and blotches on your inner thighs and groin area due to skin rubbing against skin or cloths. Inner thigh sores due to chafing are uncomfortable and irritating. Overweight people and athletes are at a greater risk of getting this painful condition.
A hard-painless lump on inner thigh could be a hemangioma or benign tumor. A hemangioma is a blood-filled non-cancerous lump that can also develop on face, neck and other parts of the body. They may also occur inside the skin and internal body organs.
As we have seen, there are some causes that will lead to hard lumps on your thighs while others will have soft ones. They could also be itchy or non-itchy, painful or painless among other symptoms. Your symptoms will depend on what is behind the lump.
Christian says:
I have a lump or something on inner thigh it’s been here since 2 months it doesn’t hurt or any discharge