A swollen is a symptom that denotes something wrong with your nose, and many things can result in it. Furthermore, the swelling can be on or inside the nose, on the nose tip or bridge. The swelling could be mild or severe, painless or accompanied with some pain (painful), et cetera.
Furthermore, it can affect one side such as a swelling on the left side of the nose or right one or both. Depending on the cause, the swelling may extend to other parts of the face such as cheek, forehead, ears or the scalp or one may experience a swollen face.
When the swelling is inside the nostril, expect some symptoms such as congestion or the feeling of a clogged nose that may create an urge of one blowing it.
Let’s explore together the possible causes, treatments, and remedies to relieve and heal this condition.
What exactly would cause a swollen nose that might be red and painful including a swollen nostril? Well, nasal infections, nasal polyps, piercings, trauma, etc., can be a cause. Below are more causes:
Slight nose swelling after the piercing is ok. However, there are symptoms you need to be careful about if they occur. If you notice yellow or greenish discharge probably with a foul smell, this may reveal that the piercing is already infected.
Also, severe or unusual swelling, redness, tendering or soreness may also be other symptoms of an infected piercing. If the nasal piercing is infected, it would swell and can be very painful.
The materials also used in making nasal piercing jewelry can also trigger an allergic reaction and this would cause a swollen nose ring.
Your nasal passage has a lining called mucosa. The mucosa is the tissue that lines the sinus cavity and the minor channels connecting the nose. It also lines the nostrils itself. Sinusitis, therefore, is the inflammation, thickening, and swelling of the mucosa.
The minor channels can get clogged if the mucosa tissue swells. Such swelling usually emerges from sinus infections, i.e., bacterial, fungal or viral infection.
Allergic rhinitis or allergic sinusitis can also contribute to the same. This allergic reaction usually results from bacteria, smoke, inhaled pollutants, pollen or dust that you are allergic to.
Sinusitis symptoms include nasal congestion, headaches, sneezing, and a runny nose.
A sinus infection cannot be ignored, therefore ensure you seek for sinus infection treatment from medical professionals. Ignoring sinus infection might lead to chronic sinusitis.
Nasal polyps are the benign growths in your nose that have a link with an allergic reaction. When such growths get bigger, they can block the nasal passages, increasing the rate of mucus production as well as causing swelling or pain. This can also result in nasal congestion.
We also have such growths in the sinuses, and they are known as sinus polys and can result in swelling inside the nasal passage.
Med-health.net also explains that “if these polyps continue to grow, they may push into your bones, changing the shape of your nose” This would call for a rhinoplasty that could also result in nose swelling.
This is another common cause. Nasal infection, especially in the clogged nasal pores, can cause a swollen pimple on the nose. They can manifest as a small reddish pimple, but with time, it would grow bigger and become very painful.
The infection can happen inside or outside the nose. The presence of the bacteria in your body will influence your body to fight back, and symptoms such as boils or abscess, pus-filled bumps, and so on, hence it will swell.
Trauma can also make it swell, and it may be due to hitting it, falling or banging. Such injuries can cause your nose to have cracked or fractured bone.
Symptoms such as bruising, bleeding or even difficulty in breathing may accompany traumas. If there are cuts, wounds or sores, they can be infected leading to inflammation of the nose, and hence nasal swelling may follow. You need to see your GP as soon as you discover these symptoms.
Foreign objects in the nose is a widespread problem in childhood. However, it can also affect adults. If you do not remove these foreign objects earlier enough, they can damage the sinus leading to infection. They can also trigger an allergic reaction depending on the victims.
Some objects, of course, can be visible but removing them difficult. You need to seek immediate medical to help you remove the objects if they cannot quickly come out.
During pregnancy, some hormonal changes and imbalances usually influence the body metabolic reactions.
For instance, during this period, your body will tend to retain more fluids, and this is what may be contributing to even a swollen nose or swollen face.
This would also vary from one woman to the other. Swellings during pregnancy would disappear on their own within the period or after delivery.
In case of any severe swelling during this period then you should be able to see your GP immediately.
Apart from the above causes, more causes include
Many conditions can cause this kind of swelling and can be indeed a big concern.
A lump or swelling inside the nose can cause discomfort and even lead to soreness. Some of the primary reasons causes include:
Treating swollen nostril would tend to be more challenging than managing those that are on the outer parts. This is because the skin inside of the nose is more sensitive than outside one and thus could be easily irritated.
In many cases, it would not be common to find swelling on both sides of the nose. Even if that is the case then, the intensity of the swelling may vary.
Most of the causes we have seen can target specific places, such as inside the nasal passages or nostrils, nose bridge or outside.
One of the reasons why you may end up having both sides of your nose swollen is touching it that can spread the infection. For instance, a lump inside nose could occur on one side.
Swollen nose bridge could be an indication of local infection or sinus infection. Redness or soreness could accompany this among other symptoms of local irritation. Seek medical attention if the swelling does not go away within a few days.
A swollen tip of the nose can well be a sign of bacterial infection especially if it is accompanied by redness and is painful.
In summary, the many causes of swelling inside or outside the nose tend to be the same that can cause a swollen bridge area.
Treating swollen nose depend on the causes and the severity. Many cases are often mild, but if not treated in their early stages, the symptoms may worsen leading to very severe complications. You should therefore not be swayed by the mildness of the earlier signs.
Let’s us now explore some of the most effective treatments that have been proved to heal swollen nose.
Many cases of nose swelling can be managed at home using products that are readily available at home. Most of these home products have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, which make useful in dealing with your nose swellings. Below are some natural home remedies that are easy to use and very safe while you are at home
Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that help it fight the bacteria and other infections that can affect the nasal passages. It is beneficial in treating the swollen nasal passages. Follow the procedure below to apply if you want to try tea tree oil treatment.
Sweat inhalation is the most reliable home remedy for the swollen and congested nose. It’s just is simple and faster. Its use is a simple as heating some water and inhaling the steam. You can do it alongside an essential oil.
You can as thoroughly wash your nose using saline water. Before then, you need to tilt your head sideways keenly and gently pour the saline solution in the upper nostril. You should let the saline solution go through the passageways and then out the nostrils.
This another product that has been used for years. It helps strain germs that could cause nose infection, especially on your nasal skin.
Also, aloe gel is good sinus inflammation treatment.
Aloe vera gel is recommended because it has nutrients that are essential for healthy skin growth. You only need to extract some amount of aloe gel and apply on the nose lumps. Use cotton ball if the swelling occurs inside your nostrils.
Note this; the above home remedies are only useful for mild to moderate cases. You should also change some of your habits, i.e., you should stop picking your nose, avoid the irritants and allergens, avoid colds or use clean handkerchiefs while blowing it.
If you do not see any noticeable changes, seek medical attention.