If you have recently gotten some sunburn, then you are likely to see some skin peeling a few days after the sunburn or sun poisoning. The living tissues on your skin are affected by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The effect mainly comes in the form of sun damaged skin.
Before it peeling, you will see certain symptoms such as pain, redness, fatigue and general body weakness. In some instances, the sunburn will disappear on its own. In other instances, sun poisoning is very resilient and may be followed by skin peeling.
Not everyone gets sunburn following exposure to ultraviolet rays. However, some people are prone to getting sunburn following short exposure to the same. In this context, many people apply sunscreen before taking days off during hot days.
If you have recently experienced sunburn including peeling, then you should consider looking for sunscreens, moisturizers, lotions or exfoliator. These, alongside other home remedies, may provide relief to this problem.
According to Wikipedia.org, lighter skins are likely to experience more sunburn effects than black ones. Normally, the skins have a strong layer of melanin that prevents UV rays. However, have little melanin, thus the increased risk of getting sun effects.
You shouldn’t get worried when your skin starts peeling off after sunburn. This may be witnessed on the face or in other parts of the body. In most instances, it may also be itchy and even end up wiht blisters. Even before you ask yourself what’s good to use to heal it, you should understand that this is a way of getting rid of dead cells.
Allure.com notes that sunburn is characterized by damaged skin cells. The body has its ways of getting rid of these dead, damaged cells as it comes off and it is not an indication of an infection.
Many people experience peeling 3 weeks after sun poisoning. This is because; cells take time to die following exposure to ultraviolet rays. When sun poisoning occurs, your skin undergoes through programmed cell death.
Programmed cell death occurs when the cells are too much damaged to survive. For new cells to grow, and your body has to get rid of the dead ones.
Yahoo.com notes that the peels off as a protection mechanism. Dermatologists have noted that the dead skins may contribute to cancer. To prevent this, it comes off after sun poisoning.
However, it’s always advisable to prevent sunburn instead of waiting until it occurs for one to look for remedies. Questions such as what’s good for peeling skin from sun poisoning or remedy would not be there if people can adopt simple protective measures such as applying sunscreen and wearing hats.
How do you keep a sunburn from peeling? This is one of the many questions victims ask themselves. Other people ask how long this takes. If you are asking yourself these questions, here are some of the remedies that you can adopt.
According to Sheknows.com, the best remedy for you may not be the best for the other person. The cream for peeling skin after sunburn depends on the part experiencing the peeling. Also, face treatment may not work on other parts of the body. Below are some trusted remedies:
When the sunburned skin is peeling off, the affected areas are always itchy. There is always a temptation to scratch that part. Sometimes the itching may be too much. However, scratching may worsen the condition. When the scratching urge is too much, consider placing some ice on the affected region. Ice helps in reducing the itching sensation.
More peeling is experienced more when temperatures rise, especially during hot days or nights. However, you can control the peeling by cooling your body. This can be done by taking a cold bath. A cold shower relaxes body cells. When you dry your skin, you may consider applying what you consider to be the best lotion for peeling skin after sunburn or any other cream that prevents peeling
If you notice some peeling on a particular section of your body, you shouldn’t rub it. You should gently wipe that area when drying yourself after a shower. Furthermore, avoid clothes that may rub the affected area as this may worsen things.
After cooling yourself through a bath, consider gently moisturizer. The peeling is likely to be more when the skin is dry. There exist numerous creams, lotions and other products that can be used on sunburn to keep it moist. Some of the best moisturizers for peeling sunburn contain aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has a cooling effect that helps in reducing irritation following sun poisoning.
Using lotions, gels and moisturizers are not enough if your body is internally dehydrated worsening the problem. To avoid this, drinking a lot of water provides a reliable home remedy. According to Vaseline.us, drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily may soothe the sunburn, thus preventing peeling.
Drinking a lot of water does not only soothe the skin. Water plays a vital role in helping its repair the following sunburn. Water also plays a significant role in reviving most body cells that had been affected by the sunburn.
When the peeling, some people tend to remove it off. The temptation to remove the affected skin off is sometimes too much. However, this will only be a catalyst to further peeling. Leave it alone, please. Pulling off it off may open a gateway to infection and rip off more skin.
Honestly, skin peeling after sunburn is very irritating. You may not like the itching that comes along with it. Therefore, wearing a hat or applying sunscreen a few minutes before getting out of the house is all you need. Avoid sun poisoning and you may never have to worry about it coming off.
Never forget getting a good quality of sunblocks each time you go to the sun.