Why do I experience itchy skin on my neck? what can I do to relieve or stop it? There are vast causes and reasons for having this problem that can affect children and adults, men and women. Get all information concerning neck itching including the reliefs and treatments.
This is a condition experienced when an individual develops an irritating feeling with an urge to scratch his/her neck very often. This can sometimes be accompanied by swelling, irritation and reddening of the skin around the neck.
Severe irritation may lead to the skin around the neck becoming sore and start scaling or flaking. An itching neck may make one want to scratch the area. However, scratching is not advisable, in fact, frequent scratching of the skin may open the gate to infections and more scarring.
Also, most of the time is accompanied by some rashes, but there are also some situations where the itchy might develop without a rash. Itchy neck with small red bumps
It can be due to numerous factors. In this section, we are going to dwell on the causes that include skin conditions, allergies and skin reactions, parasites and insect bites, infections and others cause such as stress and smoking.
1. Allergies and skin reaction
Did you know that this problem can be initiated by allergens, irritants and harsh environmental conditions? It true that i5 can be due to irritants, allergens and harsh environmental factors, including:
2. Skin conditions
Below are skin conditions that can lead to this problem:
3. Parasites, insects, and arachnids bites or sting
There are some insects, parasites, and arachnids that bite the skin or burrow into the skin causing itchiness. Some of these parasites include:
4. Infections
Also, this can also be symptoms of infections including
5. Others causes
Sometimes it can be due to stress, smoking, not drinking enough fluids and extreme cold or heat.
Again, sometimes it may be a sign of serious or life-threatening conditions that should be considered as a medical emergency. These conditions may include:
Neck itchiness may be accompanied by some symptoms which range from mild to severe ones. It depends on what is behind the neck itching. Let us look at some of these symptoms.
1. Common symptoms
The following are the common symptoms to expect when you have this issue.
2. Other symptoms
It can develop alongside symptoms connected to another body system including:
3. Severe symptoms
In certain situations, neck itching can be accompanied by life-threatening that need prompt medical attention. Arrange an immediate appointment with a doctor if somebody close to you or even you has developed an itching neck accompanied by severe symptoms comprising of:
It is noteworthy to acknowledge that, in many women, itching can often occur as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause. It can occur anywhere in the body including the neck.
1. During pregnancy
Usually, itching befalls pregnant women and often vanish after delivery. Numerous skin conditions can emerge during pregnancy that can cause this issue. These conditions may include, an obstetric cholestasis-uncommon disorder that affects the liver during pregnancy and induces itching without a rash.
Also, some women may develop Prurigo gestationis, a skin rash that appears red, itchy dots and commonly occur in arms but can also affect the neck.
Please, if you develop itchy or abnormal skin rash during your pregnancy, seek medical attention before the symptoms become severe.
2. During menopause
This can be a very common bothersome condition after menopause in some women i.e. menopause causes natural hormonal changes as a woman ages. Hormonal changes during the menopause have been noted responsible for itching. So changes in the levels of hormones such as estrogen during menopause can trigger it.
Neck itching is a very common phenomenon among the elderly. This is due to the fact that dry skin is prevalent among elders and can potentially trigger it. It is wise to note that the skin around your neck becomes thin and papery and don’t hold water as you age. This will make it a major target for excessive dryness and itching.
When this condition is summed up with other causative agents, it can lead to serious effects such as difficulty sleeping among others.
In some circumstances where dry itchy skin does not give in to home remedies, an individual should see his/her, medical service provider, as soon as the situation may demand.
In cases where you experience a mild case, you can use some home remedies and treatments below:
1. Cold water tub
A home remedy worth trying is immersing yourself into a tub of cold water. This will help relief of your itching. Also, immersing yourself in a bathtub containing warm salty water can also help relieve some cases of itching.
2. Topical ointments and antihistamines
Another significant remedy is the application of topical ointments such as hydrocortisone to reduce the inflammation.
Taking over the counter antihistamine is just bust another marvelous option. It will reduce your itch substantively especially if caused by allergic reactions.
3. Baking powder paste
At some point, you can as well try using baking powder paste on the itching site. For sure, this will help soothe it. The paste can be made by crushing two tablets of vitamin C and then adding some few drops of water and some baking powder.
4. Oatmeal bath
To help relieve itching, you can take an oatmeal bath. This will help soothe it quickly.
5. Additional remedies
Try wiping it using olive oil and applying certain moisturizing creams to manage your itchy neck. Aloe Vera is another wonderful product to try if you want a prompt itch relief.
Washing your clothing, bedding, and towels in fragrance-free detergent that is fashioned for sensitive skin is an important weapon in this war. You should also run supplementary wash on your washing machine to help dispose of irritant chemicals.
You should also wear cotton clothing and other natural fibers which are soft and will not irritate your skin like wool or polyester. Try to put on clothing that is loose fitting around your neck to avoid the fabric from irritating your neck skin.
Avoid scratching dry itchy skin around your neck because this can give way to infections. The aged in the society are likely to develop bleeding when they scratch their skin due to thin skin around their neck. You should also bear in mind that persistent rashes on your skin may signalize underlying conditions such as diabetes or even kidney disease.
Consult your doctor in case you develop serious symptoms or when your rash becomes infected or spreads.