Just link acne in other parts of the body, neck acne is a widespread condition among many people. It is not a complicated medical condition and can be easily treated with over-the-counter drugs or through simple home remedies.
When you have it, you may have zits including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and so on in this region. These zits are evident among many people, especially adolescents. Almost every person has ever had acne on their body.
It is estimated that over 70 % of all teenagers have had acne in their lifetime. In adolescents, hormonal one is prevalent. This type may be witnessed on neck hairline, under ears or on neck and chin.
While among the youth acne is associated with fluctuating hormones, other factors may cause it among the middle-aged people. Many people are likely to have it after shaving.
However, it not worry you. With the adoption of the existing medical and natural remedies, acne on the neck can be managed. This article examines what causes, types, treatment as well as how to prevent the condition.
Acne.org notes that acne on neck involves having multiple pimples at the back or the fore regions. These pimples can result from diverse emotional and environmental factors. Breakouts are similar to those that occur on the parts of the body. However, the ones on the neck have a long lifespan and can be painful at times.
You might be wondering how to get rid of neck acne or even how to prevent it. To understand these practices, you need to have a deep understanding of is case. In most cases, pimples around this are more at the back than on the fore region. While the skin on the front part of is sensitive, the one on the back is thick. This thickness explains why zits at the back of the neck are more severe. In most cases, breakouts at back of the neck are cystic.
According to Facingacne.com, the severity of acne varies from one person to the other. While on one person case may be very simple to treat, on another person it’s tough to manage. To some people, careful cleansing provides a natural remedy to this condition. To others, it may require specialized medication.
Breakouts can either be mild, moderate, or severe. However, mild to moderate cases the most common one, especially at the back of the neck. This mild to moderate is known as acne vulgaris and is common on the face, but a significant number of people also get it on this area.
Among men, there is mainly evident on the neck under ears or the chin. The one is common under the chin due to shaving but should not be confused with razor bumps. Daily shaving gives rise to a type known as acne keloidalis nuchae.
Acne keloidalis nuchae is a common type among men, especially on the posterior neck. The condition is common among many young people, especially those who are of African-American origin. Although the condition is hugely attributed to daily shaving, other factors may cause it.
Besides keloidalis nuchae, people also suffer from another type known as chloracne. This form is caused by excessive exposure to chemical substances such as chlorine. This condition is common in Asia and Europe. The condition starts as from the face then it spreads to the ears and finally to the neck. Chloracne is very severe and doesn’t have a cure.
This type has become very common in recent years. Medicalnewstoday.com notes that this type is common among the people with dark brown skins. Young adults are most likely to suffer from this type of neck acne and it occurs in the form of cysts that form around this region.
In general terms, acne arises when the pores around the neck become clogged. The clogging of the pores can be as a result of many factors such as sebum, dead skin cells or even bacteria. According to Healthline .com, the common causes of clogging of pores on the neck region include:
When acne in this area is severe, it manifests itself as a cystic lesion, which might be producing oil. Wikihow.com notes that the best way of managing neck acne is observing good hygiene. Some of the best remedies include:
You don’t have to wait till you have acne on the neck to start thinking about treatment. The best move is to prevent the condition by adopting some of the following measures: