Nocturnal hyperhidrosis or night sweats during menses is a common occurrence. However, experiencing them during your period for the first time can be quite frustrating.
Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is basically excessive sweating at night. They usually associated with menopause but the truth is it can affect any woman who is in the prime time of her reproductive years.
Effective management is vital in mastering how to cope with night sweats. Majorly because it can get pretty agonizing when you constantly have to wake up in the middle of the night due to sleep disruption and overly soaked sheets. Nobody wants those ladies, right? The mere thought of having to wake up at night all drenched up in sweat can be quite cumbersome and even embarrassing.
In order to effectively manage the sleep hyperhidrosis during menses, it is important to conduct a personal assessment to determine the potential internal and external causes.
Night sweats are commonly associated with hormonal fluctuations in the body as noted in New Health Advisor. You expect some hormonal changes to occur before, during and after your menstruation.
Body heat regulation is managed by a portion of the brain referred to as the hypothalamus. Night sweats usually result from a malfunction of the hypothalamus. During periods or menstruation, the rate of hormonal fluctuations in the body elevates. This causes the hypothalamus to detect inaccurate temperature levels, which causes vessels to dilate and release heat. This process hence leads to flushes and perspirations which affect sleeping patterns.
Other causes according to New Health Advisor include anxiety, diabetes, thyroid disorders, sleep apnea, cancer, and neurological conditions.
Perimenopause is basically the period when your body starts to naturally transform into the menopause stage, denoting the end of reproductive years according to Mayo Clinic. The approximate age where perimenopause kicks in is between 40-50 years and in some cases, it can occur 10 years before the actual menopause as noted in New Health Advisor.
Symptoms of perimenopause according to Web Md include;
Nocturnal hyperhidrosis during periods can be quite disruptive both physically and emotionally. sleep disruption can lead to insomnia, irritability, poor memory and performance.
However, there are numerous solutions to cope with according to New Health Advisor which include:
It is always advisable to seek a medical opinion from your physician if the severity and duration of this night perspirations during periods persists.